1. 配置SSH服务器的管理网口IP地址。

    <HUAWEI> system-view
    [HUAWEI] sysname SSH Server
    [SSH Server] interface meth 0/0/0
    [SSH Server-MEth0/0/0] ip address
    [SSH Server-MEth0/0/0] quit

  2. 在SSH服务器端生成本地密钥对。

    [SSH Server] rsa local-key-pair create
    The key name will be:Host
    The range of public key size is (2048, 4096).
    NOTE: Key pair generation will take a short while.
    Please input the modulus [default = 3072]:3072

  3. 配置SSH服务器的VTY用户界面。

    [SSH Server] user-interface vty 0 4
    [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa
    [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
    [SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] quit


  4. 在服务器端创建本地用户,并配置用户服务方式。

    [SSH Server] aaa
    [SSH Server-aaa] local-user admin123 password
    Please configure the login password (8-128)
    It is recommended that the password consist of at least 2 types of characters, including lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals and special characters. 
    Please enter password:                                      
    Please confirm password:                               
    Info: Add a new user.
    [SSH Server-aaa] local-user admin123 service-type ssh
    [SSH Server-aaa] local-user admin123 privilege level 3
    [SSH Server-aaa] quit

  5. 在服务器端创建SSH用户,并配置认证方式。

    [SSH Server] ssh user admin123
    [SSH Server] ssh user admin123 authentication-type rsa

  6. 配置SSH服务器的公钥算法、加密算法、密钥交换算法列表、HMAC认证算法和最小密钥长度。

    [SSH Server] ssh server cipher aes128_ctr aes256_ctr aes192_ctr aes128_gcm aes256_gcm
    [SSH Server] ssh server hmac sha2_256 sha2_512
    [SSH Server] ssh server key-exchange dh_group_exchange_sha256 dh_group16_sha512
    [SSH Server] ssh server publickey rsa_sha2_256 rsa_sha2_512
    [SSH Server] ssh server dh-exchange min-len 3072

  7. SSH客户端使用OpenSSH创建RSA密钥对,并将密钥对中的公钥拷贝至SSH服务器。


    C:\Users\User1> ssh-keygen -t rsa
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\User1/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in C:\Users\User1/.ssh/id_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in C:\Users\User1/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    The key fingerprint is:
    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[RSA 3072]----+
    | ..o==B=.o.      |
    |o .  O=*+.       |
    |o. +.oB=o        |
    |. . =o=o   o     |
    |.  ..*. S o .    |
    |E   = o  = .     |
    |     . . .o      |
    |        =  .     |
    |       ..+.      |

  8. SSH服务器编辑SSH客户端OpenSSH生成的公钥,并将编辑后的公钥分配给SSH用户。

    [SSH Server] rsa peer-public-key rsa01 encoding-type openssh
    [SSH Server-rsa-public-key] public-key-code begin
    [SSH Server-rsa-public-key-rsa-key-code] ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCg5Ag490i6ilB7QuCVb35B8RJEh1DIYB88h2p1qjdh7qdMQv8rpJaVAgQWxwzKZO0XdFuz4ReGQzTCSf7Det7Ajicddw3qi+6P8hRqZj6MPdLg/o3RN4aPCfr/LFWCwqJ3gWGHlOC7qqjRk+6pySVoiWcSk5/elBkU7WVk/cSWrt4qFXJV373OCesKcEVeDvAa1Tvx6L3LQroBqUO0EXzDgOthPCmOqiqvS5h3JipzqVsesdSKjeInooCQzSOv5eePpBcFcIvU6wFiLIZ5vnf6YtypgTVzHuje/sh4xM7Iuuon7AYXKHT8NpO9jd9zA/lKaRPXyDtei1O1Bt/5lxnn 
    [SSH Server-rsa-public-key-rsa-key-code] public-key-code end
    [SSH Server-key-code] peer-public-key end
    [SSH Server] ssh user admin123 assign rsa-key rsa01

  9. 使能STelnet功能,并配置用户的服务类型为STelnet。

    [SSH Server] stelnet server enable
    [SSH Server] ssh server-source all-interface
    [SSH Server] ssh user admin123 service-type stelnet

  10. 配置ACL规则。

    [SSH Server] acl 2000
    [SSH Server-acl4-basic-2000] rule permit source 24
    [SSH Server-acl4-basic-2000] quit
    [SSH Server] ssh server acl 2000



C:\Users\User1> ssh admin123@
Enter passphrase for key 'C:\Users\User/.ssh/id_rsa':
Info: The max number of VTY users is 21, the number of current VTY users online is 4, and total number of terminal users online is 4.
      The current login time is 2020-12-15 15:58:03.
<SSH Server>

sysname SSH Server
acl number 2000
 rule 5 permit source
rsa peer-public-key rsa01 encoding-type openssh
 public-key-code begin
  ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCg5Ag490i6ilB7QuCVb35B8RJEh1DIYB88h2p1qjdh7qdMQv8rpJaVAgQWxwzKZO0XdFuz4ReGQzTCSf7Det7Ajicddw3qi+6P8hRqZj6MPdLg/o3RN4aPCfr/LFWCwqJ3gWGHlOC7qqjRk+6pySVoiWcSk5/elBkU7WVk/cSWrt4qFXJV373OCesKcEVeDvAa1Tvx6L3LQroBqUO0EXzDgOthPCmOqiqvS5h3JipzqVsesdSKjeInooCQzSOv5eePpBcFcIvU6wFiLIZ5vnf6YtypgTVzHuje/sh4xM7Iuuon7AYXKHT8NpO9jd9zA/lKaRPXyDtei1O1Bt/5lxnn rsa-key
 public-key-code end
 peer-public-key end
 local-user admin123 password irreversible-cipher $1d$+,JS+))\\2$KVNj(.3`_5x0FCKGv}H&.kUTI`Ff&H*eBqO.ua>)$
 local-user admin123 service-type terminal ssh
 local-user admin123 privilege level 3
interface MEth0/0/0
 ip address
stelnet server enable
ssh user admin123
ssh user admin123 authentication-type rsa
ssh user admin123 assign rsa-key rsa01
ssh user admin123 service-type stelnet
ssh server-source all-interface
ssh server acl 2000
ssh server cipher aes128_ctr aes256_ctr aes192_ctr aes128_gcm aes256_gcm
ssh server hmac sha2_256 sha2_512
ssh server key-exchange dh_group_exchange_sha256 dh_group16_sha512
ssh server publickey rsa_sha2_256 rsa_sha2_512
ssh server dh-exchange min-len 3072
user-interface vty 0 4
 authentication-mode aaa
 protocol inbound ssh

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