前面文章:Apollo9.0 PNC源码学习之Control模块(一)

1 PID控制器

1.1 PID理论基础

PID控制器的比例单元 ( P) 、积分单元(I)和微分单元(D)分别对应目前误差、过去累计误差及未来误差。若是不知道受控系统的特性,一般认为PID控制器是最适用的控制器。




1.2 Apollo的经典PID源码


syntax = "proto2";

package apollo.control;

message PidConf {
  optional bool integrator_enable = 1;
  optional double integrator_saturation_level = 2;
  optional double kp = 3;
  optional double ki = 4;
  optional double kd = 5;
  optional double kaw = 6 [default = 0.0];
  optional double output_saturation_level = 7;


#pragma once

#include "modules/control/control_component/proto/pid_conf.pb.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

class PIDController {
  // 初始化pid控制器
  void Init(const PidConf &pid_conf);
  // 设置pid参数
  void SetPID(const PidConf &pid_conf);
  // 重置pid
  void Reset();
  // 重置积分项
  void Reset_integral();
  // PID控制实现(误差+采样时间)
  virtual double Control(const double error, const double dt);
  // 默认虚析构函数
  virtual ~PIDController() = default;
  // 获取积分器(Integrator)的过饱和状态
  int IntegratorSaturationStatus() const;
  // 检查积分器(Integrator)是否处于保持状态
  bool IntegratorHold() const;
  // 设置积分器(Integrator)是否保持当前值
  void SetIntegratorHold(bool hold);

  double kp_ = 0.0;
  double ki_ = 0.0;
  double kd_ = 0.0;
  double kaw_ = 0.0;
  double previous_error_ = 0.0;
  double previous_output_ = 0.0;
  double integral_ = 0.0;
  double integrator_saturation_high_ = 0.0;
  double integrator_saturation_low_ = 0.0;
  bool first_hit_ = false;
  bool integrator_enabled_ = false;
  bool integrator_hold_ = false;
  int integrator_saturation_status_ = 0;
  // Only used for pid_BC_controller and pid_IC_controller
  double output_saturation_high_ = 0.0;
  double output_saturation_low_ = 0.0;
  int output_saturation_status_ = 0;

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo


#include "modules/control/control_component/controller_task_base/common/pid_controller.h"

#include <cmath>

#include "cyber/common/log.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

double PIDController::Control(const double error, const double dt) {
  // 如果dt小于等于0,使用上一次输出
  if (dt <= 0) {
    AWARN << "dt <= 0, will use the last output, dt: " << dt;
    return previous_output_;
  double diff = 0;  // 差值
  double output = 0;// 输出
  // 如果是第一次运行
  if (first_hit_) {
    first_hit_ = false;
  } else {
    // 计算差值
    diff = (error - previous_error_) / dt;
  // 积分 如果不启用积分,积分置为零
  if (!integrator_enabled_) {
    integral_ = 0;
  } else if (!integrator_hold_) {
    // 计算积分
    integral_ += error * dt * ki_;
    // 在积分之前应用Ki,以避免在稳态时改变Ki时的阶梯效应
    if (integral_ > integrator_saturation_high_) {
      // 如果积分大于饱和上限,将积分设置为饱和上限
      integral_ = integrator_saturation_high_;
      // 设置饱和状态为1
      integrator_saturation_status_ = 1;
    } else if (integral_ < integrator_saturation_low_) {
      // 如果积分小于饱和下限,将积分设置为饱和下限
      integral_ = integrator_saturation_low_;
      // 设置饱和状态为-1
      integrator_saturation_status_ = -1;
    } else {
      // 如果积分在饱和范围内,设置饱和状态为0
      integrator_saturation_status_ = 0;
  // 更新previous_error_
  previous_error_ = error;
  // 计算输出
  output = error * kp_ + integral_ + diff * kd_;  // Ki already applied
  // 更新previous_output_
  previous_output_ = output;
  return output;
// 重置积分项
void PIDController::Reset_integral() {
  integral_ = 0.0;
  integrator_saturation_status_ = 0;
// 重置PID控制器
void PIDController::Reset() {
  previous_error_ = 0.0;
  previous_output_ = 0.0;
  integral_ = 0.0;
  first_hit_ = true;
  integrator_saturation_status_ = 0;
  output_saturation_status_ = 0;
// 初始化控制器
void PIDController::Init(const PidConf &pid_conf) {
  previous_error_ = 0.0;
  previous_output_ = 0.0;
  integral_ = 0.0;
  first_hit_ = true;
  integrator_enabled_ = pid_conf.integrator_enable();
  integrator_saturation_high_ =
  integrator_saturation_low_ =
  integrator_saturation_status_ = 0;
  integrator_hold_ = false;
  output_saturation_high_ = std::fabs(pid_conf.output_saturation_level());
  output_saturation_low_ = -std::fabs(pid_conf.output_saturation_level());
  output_saturation_status_ = 0;
// 设置PID参数
void PIDController::SetPID(const PidConf &pid_conf) {
  kp_ = pid_conf.kp();
  ki_ = pid_conf.ki();
  kd_ = pid_conf.kd();
  kaw_ = pid_conf.kaw();
// 积分饱和状态
int PIDController::IntegratorSaturationStatus() const {
  return integrator_saturation_status_;
// 是否积分保持
bool PIDController::IntegratorHold() const { return integrator_hold_; }
// 设置积分保持(true or false)
void PIDController::SetIntegratorHold(bool hold) { integrator_hold_ = hold; }

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo


1.3 pid_IC_controller


#pragma once

#include "modules/control/control_component/proto/pid_conf.pb.h"

#include "modules/control/control_component/controller_task_base/common/pid_controller.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {
// 该类继承于PIDController
class PIDICController : public PIDController {
  // PIDICController控制
  virtual double Control(const double error, const double dt);
  // 输出饱和状态
  virtual int OutputSaturationStatus();


}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo


#include "modules/control/control_component/controller_task_base/common/pid_IC_controller.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>

#include "cyber/common/log.h"
#include "modules/common/math/math_utils.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

double PIDICController::Control(const double error, const double dt) {
  // 如果dt小于等于0,使用上一次输出
  if (dt <= 0) {
    AWARN << "dt <= 0, will use the last output";
    return previous_output_;
  double diff = 0;  // 差值
  double output = 0;// 输出
  // 如果是第一次运行
  if (first_hit_) {
    first_hit_ = false;
  } else {
    diff = (error - previous_error_) / dt;
  // integral clamping
  // 积分限幅
  if (!integrator_enabled_) {
    integral_ = 0;
  } else {
    double u = error * kp_ + integral_ + error * dt * ki_ + diff * kd_;
    // 如果error和u同一方向 输出u在饱和范围外,不更新积分项
    if (((error * u) > 0) &&
        ((u > output_saturation_high_) || (u < output_saturation_low_))) {
    } else {
      // Only update integral then
      // 仅仅更新积分
      integral_ += error * dt * ki_;
  // 更新previous_error_
  previous_error_ = error;
  output = error * kp_ + integral_ + diff * kd_;

  if (output >= output_saturation_high_) {
    output_saturation_status_ = 1;
  } else if (output <= output_saturation_low_) {
    output_saturation_status_ = -1;
  } else {
    output_saturation_status_ = 0;
  // 限制output在输出饱和范围内
  output = common::math::Clamp(error * kp_ + integral_ + diff * kd_,
                               output_saturation_low_);  // Ki already applied
  previous_output_ = output;
  return output;
// 返回输出饱和状态
int PIDICController::OutputSaturationStatus() {
  return output_saturation_status_;

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo
1.4 pid_BC_controller


#pragma once

#include "modules/control/control_component/proto/pid_conf.pb.h"

#include "modules/control/control_component/controller_task_base/common/pid_controller.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

class PIDBCController : public PIDController {
  virtual double Control(const double error, const double dt);

  virtual int OutputSaturationStatus();


}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo


#include "modules/control/control_component/controller_task_base/common/pid_BC_controller.h"

#include <cmath>

#include "cyber/common/log.h"
#include "modules/common/math/math_utils.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {
// PIDBCController控制
double PIDBCController::Control(const double error, const double dt) {
  // 如果dt小于等于0,使用上一次输出
  if (dt <= 0) {
    AWARN << "dt <= 0, will use the last output";
    return previous_output_;
  double diff = 0;
  double output = 0;

  if (first_hit_) {
    first_hit_ = false;
  } else {
    diff = (error - previous_error_) / dt;

  // backward calculation 反向计算
  if (!integrator_enabled_) { // 如果积分器未启用,则将积分设置为0
    integral_ = 0;
  } else {
    double u = error * kp_ + integral_ + error * dt * ki_ + diff * kd_;
    // 本人认为aw_term是计算超出u的值,然后根据aw_term判断输出饱和状态
    double aw_term = common::math::Clamp(u, output_saturation_high_,
                                         output_saturation_low_) -
    if (aw_term > 1e-6) {
      output_saturation_status_ = -1;
    } else if (aw_term < -1e-6) {
      output_saturation_status_ = 1;
    } else {
      output_saturation_status_ = 0;
    // 计算积分
    integral_ += kaw_ * aw_term + error * dt;
  // 更新previous_error_
  previous_error_ = error;
  // 限制输出在输出饱和状态内
  output = common::math::Clamp(error * kp_ + integral_ + diff * kd_,
                               output_saturation_low_);  // Ki already applied
  previous_output_ = output;
  return output;
// 返回输出饱和状态
int PIDBCController::OutputSaturationStatus() {
  return output_saturation_status_;

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo

2 超前滞后控制器leadlag_controller


2.1 超前滞后控制器源码解析


#pragma once

#include "modules/control/control_component/proto/leadlag_conf.pb.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

class LeadlagController {
  // 初始化
  void Init(const LeadlagConf &leadlag_conf, const double dt);

  // 设置leadlag alpha, beta and tau
  void SetLeadlag(const LeadlagConf &leadlag_conf);

  // 双线性变换离散化方法(T型积分:曲线包围面积用梯形估算)
  // 把连续的控制器系数离散化
  void TransformC2d(const double dt);

  // 重置超前滞后控制器
  void Reset();

  // 超前滞后也是类似PID输入参数error和dt
  virtual double Control(const double error, const double dt);

  // 获取饱和状态
  int InnerstateSaturationStatus() const;

  // 连续时间控制系数
  double alpha_ = 0.0;
  double beta_ = 0.0;
  double tau_ = 0.0;
  double Ts_ = 0.01;  // 默认0.01s
  // 离散时间控制系数
  double kn1_ = 0.0;
  double kn0_ = 0.0;
  double kd1_ = 0.0;
  double kd0_ = 0.0;
  // Inner (intermedia) state in discrete-time domain at Direct Form II
  double previous_output_ = 0.0;
  double previous_innerstate_ = 0.0;
  double innerstate_ = 0.0;
  double innerstate_saturation_high_ = 0.0;
  double innerstate_saturation_low_ = 0.0;
  int innerstate_saturation_status_ = 0;
  // 是否启用从连续时间到离散时间的转换
  bool transfromc2d_enabled_ = false;

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo


#include "modules/control/control_component/controller_task_base/common/leadlag_controller.h"

#include <cmath>

#include "cyber/common/log.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

double LeadlagController::Control(const double error, const double dt) {
  // check if the c2d transform passed during the initilization
  // 判断连续转离散是否成功
  if (!transfromc2d_enabled_) {// 失败则重新进行TransformC2d
    if (!transfromc2d_enabled_) { // 再次失败,则发出警告
      AWARN << "C2d transform failed; will work as a unity compensator, dt: "
            << dt;
      return error;  // treat the Lead/Lag as a unity proportional controller
  // check if the current sampling time is valid
  // 检查步长dt是否小于等于零
  if (dt <= 0.0) {
    AWARN << "dt <= 0, will use the last output, dt: " << dt;
    return previous_output_;
  double output = 0.0;
  // 计算内部状态innerstate_
  innerstate_ = (error - previous_innerstate_ * kd0_) / kd1_;  // calculate
  // the inner (intermedia) state under the Direct form II for the Lead / Lag
  // compensator factorization
  // 进行innerstate幅值判断:高于状态饱和上限,则等于状态饱和上限,并将状态饱和状态置1;
  // 低于状态饱和下限,则等于状态饱和下限,并将状态饱和状态置-1;其余情况状态饱和状态置0
  if (innerstate_ > innerstate_saturation_high_) {
    innerstate_ = innerstate_saturation_high_;
    innerstate_saturation_status_ = 1;
  } else if (innerstate_ < innerstate_saturation_low_) {
    innerstate_ = innerstate_saturation_low_;
    innerstate_saturation_status_ = -1;
  } else {
    innerstate_saturation_status_ = 0;
  // 计算输出
  output = innerstate_ * kn1_ + previous_innerstate_ * kn0_;
  // 更新previous_innerstate_
  previous_innerstate_ = innerstate_;
  // 更新previous_output_
  previous_output_ = output;
  return output;

void LeadlagController::Reset() {
  previous_output_ = 0.0;
  previous_innerstate_ = 0.0;
  innerstate_ = 0.0;
  innerstate_saturation_status_ = 0;

void LeadlagController::Init(const LeadlagConf &leadlag_conf, const double dt) {
  // 前一输出
  previous_output_ = 0.0;
  // 前一内部状态
  previous_innerstate_ = 0.0;
  // 内部状态
  innerstate_ = 0.0;
  // 内部状态饱和上限
  innerstate_saturation_high_ =
  // 内部状态饱和下限
  innerstate_saturation_low_ =
  // 内部状态饱和标志
  innerstate_saturation_status_ = 0;
  // 设置leadlag
  // 连续转离散 TransformC2d函数的作用是将连续形式的传递函数转换成离散形式的传递函数

void LeadlagController::SetLeadlag(const LeadlagConf &leadlag_conf) {
  alpha_ = leadlag_conf.alpha();
  beta_ = leadlag_conf.beta();
  tau_ = leadlag_conf.tau();

void LeadlagController::TransformC2d(const double dt) {
  if (dt <= 0.0) {
    AWARN << "dt <= 0, continuous-discrete transformation failed, dt: " << dt;
    transfromc2d_enabled_ = false;
  } else {
    double a1 = alpha_ * tau_;
    double a0 = 1.00;
    double b1 = beta_ * tau_;
    double b0 = beta_;
    Ts_ = dt;
    kn1_ = 2 * b1 + Ts_ * b0;
    kn0_ = Ts_ * b0 - 2 * b1;
    kd1_ = 2 * a1 + Ts_ * a0;
    kd0_ = Ts_ * a0 - 2 * a1;
    if (kd1_ <= 0.0) {
      AWARN << "kd1 <= 0, continuous-discrete transformation failed, kd1: "
            << kd1_;
      transfromc2d_enabled_ = false;
    } else {
      transfromc2d_enabled_ = true;
// 返回内部饱和状态
int LeadlagController::InnerstateSaturationStatus() const {
  return innerstate_saturation_status_;

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo
2.2 超前滞后控制器原理讲解

H ( s ) = β τ s + 1 τ α s + 1 H(s)=\beta \frac{\tau s+1}{\tau \alpha s+1} H(s)=βταs+1τs+1
τ \tau τ:时间常数
α \alpha α:超前滞后调节系数
β \beta β:开环增益系数
( 1 − α ) τ (1-\alpha)\tau (1α)τ:需要超前或滞后的时间

α < 1 \alpha<1 α<1,有 τ > α τ \tau>\alpha\tau τ>ατ:超前补偿
α > 1 \alpha>1 α>1,有 τ < α τ \tau<\alpha\tau τ<ατ:滞后补偿

s = 2 T z − 1 z + 1 s=\frac{2}{T} \frac{z-1}{z+1} s=T2z+1z1
α 1 = α τ , α 0 = 1.00 , b 1 = β τ , b 0 = β \alpha1=\alpha\tau,\alpha0=1.00,b1=\beta\tau,b0=\beta α1=ατ,α0=1.00,b1=βτ,b0=β

k n 1 = 2 β τ + T β kn_1=2\beta\tau+T\beta kn1=2βτ+
k n 0 = T β − 2 β τ kn_0=T\beta-2\beta\tau kn0=2βτ
k d 1 = 2 α τ + T kd_1=2\alpha\tau+T kd1=2ατ+T
k d 0 = T − 2 α τ kd_0=T-2\alpha\tau kd0=T2ατ

double a1 = alpha_ * tau_;
double a0 = 1.00;
double b1 = beta_ * tau_;
double b0 = beta_;
Ts_ = dt;
kn1_ = 2 * b1 + Ts_ * b0;
kn0_ = Ts_ * b0 - 2 * b1;
kd1_ = 2 * a1 + Ts_ * a0;
kd0_ = Ts_ * a0 - 2 * a1;
if (kd1_ <= 0.0) {
  AWARN << "kd1 <= 0, continuous-discrete transformation failed, kd1: "
        << kd1_;
  transfromc2d_enabled_ = false;
} else {
  transfromc2d_enabled_ = true;

在这里插入图片描述最大相角在极点 1 α τ \frac{1}{\alpha\tau} ατ1和零点 1 τ \frac{1}{\tau} τ1之间,其值取决于 α \alpha α的大小


在这里插入图片描述在工程实践中,可以通过提高系统其他环节的放大系数或增加比例放大器加以补偿,Apollo的leadlag采用后者的处理方法。但是 β \beta β如果过大,容易引起饱和

innerstate_ = (error - previous_innerstate_ * kd0_) / kd1_;


3 Apollo的模型参考自适应控制MRAC









4 一维、二维插值算法

4.1 一维插值算法


#pragma once

#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "Eigen/Core"
#include "unsupported/Eigen/Splines"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

class Interpolation1D {
  typedef std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> DataType;

  Interpolation1D() = default;

  // 初始化
  bool Init(const DataType& xy);

  // 仅在[x_min,x_max]之间插值x
  // 对于超出范围的x,将返回起始或结束y值。
  double Interpolate(double x) const;

  // 将X值缩小到[0,1]
  double ScaledValue(double x) const;

  Eigen::RowVectorXd ScaledValues(Eigen::VectorXd const& x_vec) const;

  double x_min_ = 0.0;
  double x_max_ = 0.0;
  double y_start_ = 0.0;
  double y_end_ = 0.0;

  // 一维“点”的样条曲线
  std::unique_ptr<Eigen::Spline<double, 1>> spline_;

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo


#include "modules/control/control_component/controller_task_base/common/interpolation_1d.h"

#include <algorithm>

#include "cyber/common/log.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

const double kDoubleEpsilon = 1e-6;
// 初始化插值器
bool Interpolation1D::Init(const DataType& xy) {
  if (xy.empty()) {
    AERROR << "empty input.";
    return false;
  auto data(xy);
  std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
  Eigen::VectorXd x(data.size());
  Eigen::VectorXd y(data.size());
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
    x(i) = data[i].first;
    y(i) = data[i].second;
  x_min_ = data.front().first;
  x_max_ = data.back().first;
  y_start_ = data.front().second;
  y_end_ = data.back().second;

  // 在此处进行插值拟合。X值需要在此处进行缩放到[0, 1]
  spline_.reset(new Eigen::Spline<double, 1>(
      Eigen::SplineFitting<Eigen::Spline<double, 1>>::Interpolate(
          // 插值多项式不超过三次,但接受短向量
          static_cast<Eigen::DenseIndex>(std::min<size_t>(x.size() - 1, 3)),
  return true;
// 使用插值器进行插值
double Interpolation1D::Interpolate(double x) const {
  if (x < x_min_) {
    return y_start_;
  if (x > x_max_) {
    return y_end_;
  // 提取插值值时,x值也需要进行缩放
  return (*spline_)(ScaledValue(x))(0);
// x就被转换成了一个0到1之间的值
double Interpolation1D::ScaledValue(double x) const {
  // 避免除以零的错误
  if (std::fabs(x_max_ - x_min_) < kDoubleEpsilon) {
    return x_min_;
  return (x - x_min_) / (x_max_ - x_min_);
// 原向量中元素经过ScaledValue函数处理后的结果
Eigen::RowVectorXd Interpolation1D::ScaledValues(
    Eigen::VectorXd const& x_vec) const {
  return x_vec.unaryExpr([this](double x) { return ScaledValue(x); })

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo
4.2 二维插值算法


#pragma once

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace apollo {
namespace control {
 * @class Interpolation2D
 * @brief linear interpolation from key (double, double) to one double value.
class Interpolation2D {
  typedef std::vector<std::tuple<double, double, double>> DataType;
  typedef std::pair<double, double> KeyType;

  Interpolation2D() = default;

  bool Init(const DataType &xyz);
  // 从二维关键点(两个double类型值,通常表示空间中的x和y坐标)到一个double值
  double Interpolate(const KeyType &xy) const;

  // 一个double到double的映射表,表示z值与y值之间的关系
  double InterpolateYz(const std::map<double, double> &yz_table,
                       double y) const;
  // 处理两个值(value_before和value_after)和它们对应的分段距离,计算并返回在给定区间内的插值结果
  double InterpolateValue(const double value_before, const double dist_before,
                          const double value_after,
                          const double dist_after) const;

  std::map<double, std::map<double, double>> xyz_;

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo


#include "modules/control/control_component/controller_task_base/common/interpolation_2d.h"

#include <cmath>

#include "cyber/common/log.h"

namespace {

const double kDoubleEpsilon = 1.0e-6;

}  // namespace

namespace apollo {
namespace control {

bool Interpolation2D::Init(const DataType &xyz) {
  if (xyz.empty()) {
    AERROR << "empty input.";
    return false;
  // 对于每个元素t,提取其x、y和z坐标
  for (const auto &t : xyz) {
    xyz_[std::get<0>(t)][std::get<1>(t)] = std::get<2>(t);
  return true;
// 函数接收一个键类型(KeyType)的xy参数,用于查找并进行二维空间中的插值计算。这里使用了双线性插值方法
double Interpolation2D::Interpolate(const KeyType &xy) const {
  // 获取数据集中最大和最小的x值,加上一个很小的容差kDoubleEpsilon防止比较时的精度问题
  double max_x = xyz_.rbegin()->first;
  double min_x = xyz_.begin()->first;
  // 如果输入的x值大于等于最大x减去一个小误差,表示接近最高点,进行y-z方向的插值
  if (xy.first >= max_x - kDoubleEpsilon) {
    return InterpolateYz(xyz_.rbegin()->second, xy.second);
  // 同理,如果输入的x值小于等于最小x加上小误差,表示接近最低点,进行y-z方向的插值
  if (xy.first <= min_x + kDoubleEpsilon) {
    return InterpolateYz(xyz_.begin()->second, xy.second);
  // 在数据集中找到输入x值对应的索引之后的元素(近似大于等于的元素)
  auto itr_after = xyz_.lower_bound(xy.first);
  // 同样找到索引之前的元素(近似小于的元素)
  auto itr_before = itr_after;
  // 如果不是第一个元素,则向前移动一位
  if (itr_before != xyz_.begin()) {
  // 计算输入x值前后的z值
  double x_before = itr_before->first;
  double z_before = InterpolateYz(itr_before->second, xy.second);
  double x_after = itr_after->first;
  double z_after = InterpolateYz(itr_after->second, xy.second);
  // 计算输入x值与前两个x值之间的差
  double x_diff_before = std::fabs(xy.first - x_before);
  double x_diff_after = std::fabs(xy.first - x_after);
  // 最后使用差值和对应的z值执行双线性插值
  return InterpolateValue(z_before, x_diff_before, z_after, x_diff_after);

double Interpolation2D::InterpolateYz(const std::map<double, double> &yz_table,
                                      double y) const {
  if (yz_table.empty()) {
    AERROR << "Unable to interpolateYz because yz_table is empty.";
    return y;
  double max_y = yz_table.rbegin()->first;
  double min_y = yz_table.begin()->first;
  if (y >= max_y - kDoubleEpsilon) {
    return yz_table.rbegin()->second;
  if (y <= min_y + kDoubleEpsilon) {
    return yz_table.begin()->second;

  auto itr_after = yz_table.lower_bound(y);
  auto itr_before = itr_after;

  if (itr_before != yz_table.begin()) {

  double y_before = itr_before->first;
  double z_before = itr_before->second;
  double y_after = itr_after->first;
  double z_after = itr_after->second;

  double y_diff_before = std::fabs(y - y_before);
  double y_diff_after = std::fabs(y - y_after);

  return InterpolateValue(z_before, y_diff_before, z_after, y_diff_after);
// 二维插值函数
double Interpolation2D::InterpolateValue(const double value_before,
                                         const double dist_before,
                                         const double value_after,
                                         const double dist_after) const {
  // 如果前一个点到目标点的距离小于一个很小的阈值,则直接返回前一个点的值,避免除零错误                                      
  if (dist_before < kDoubleEpsilon) {
    return value_before;
  // 如果后一个点到目标点的距离小于一个很小的阈值,则直接返回后一个点的值,避免除零错误
  if (dist_after < kDoubleEpsilon) {
    return value_after;
  // 计算前一个点与后一个点之间的值的差距
  double value_gap = value_after - value_before;
  // 根据距离权重计算插值的中间值
  double value_buff = value_gap * dist_before / (dist_before + dist_after);
  // 返回插值结果
  return value_before + value_buff;

}  // namespace control
}  // namespace apollo

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