策略模式 | 单一职责原则(Single Responsibility Principle, SRP):islenone和islentwo分别根据特定条件返回电话号码
函数式编程: ‘’ if pd.isna(self.note1) else len(re.findall(r’\d+', self.note1))
重复代码: 当前代码重复还是太高,消除了重复的赋值操作和类似的条件分支。
class hmtq:
def __init__(self, phone1, phone2, note1, note3, phonegg):
self.phone1 = phone1
self.phone2 = phone2
self.note1 = note1
self.note3 = note3
self.phonegg = phonegg
self.dict_len = {}
def islen(self):
self.dict_len['b'] = '' if pd.isna(self.note1) else len(re.findall(r'\d+', self.note1))
self.dict_len['c'] = '' if pd.isna(self.note3) else len(re.findall(r'\d+', self.note3))
self.dict_len['a'] = False if pd.isna(self.phonegg) else self.phonegg
return self.dict_len
def islenone(self, indata, phone):
return phone if int(re.findall(r'\d+', indata)[0]) == 1 else ''
def islentwo(self, indata, phone, phone2):
return phone if int(re.findall(r'\d+', indata)[0]) == 1 else \
(phone2 if int(re.findall(r'\d+', indata)[1]) == 1 else '')
def hm(self):
if self.dict_len['a']==True:
a = self.phonegg
elif self.dict_len['b'] == 1:
a = self.islenone(self.note1, self.phone1)
elif self.dict_len['b'] == 2:
a = self.islentwo(self.note1, self.phone1, self.phone2)
if a !='':
elif self.dict_len['c'] == 1:
a = self.islenone(self.note3, self.phone1)
elif self.dict_len['c'] == 2:
a = self.islentwo(self.note3, self.phone1, self.phone2)
a = ''
return a
把重复的代码能抽取出来,self.dict_len[‘c’] 和self.dict_len[‘b’] 用到多次了。
class hmtqupdate:
def __init__(self, phone1, phone2, note1, note3, phonegg):
- phone1, phone2: 电话号码1和2
- note1, note3: 笔记1和3,可能包含数字
- phonegg: 特殊电话号码标记
self.phone1 = phone1
self.phone2 = phone2
self.note1 = note1
self.note3 = note3
self.phonegg = phonegg
self.dict_len = self.islen() # 初始化时直接计算dict_len
def islen(self):
self.dict_len = {
'b': len(re.findall(r'\d+', self.note1)) if not pd.isna(self.note1) else '',
'c': len(re.findall(r'\d+', self.note3)) if not pd.isna(self.note3) else '',
'a': not pd.isna(self.phonegg)
return self.dict_len
def islenone(self, indata, phone):
return phone if re.findall(r'\d+', indata) and int(re.findall(r'\d+', indata)[0]) == 1 else ''
def islentwo(self, indata, phone, phone2):
digits = re.findall(r'\d+', indata)
if digits and int(digits[0]) == 1:
return phone
if len(digits) > 1 and int(digits[1]) == 1:
return phone2
return ''
def hm(self):
# 直接尝试获取'a'源的电话号码
a = self.phonegg if self.dict_len['a'] else ''
# 如果'a'源未成功获取,尝试'b'源
if not a and self.dict_len['b']:
a = self.islenone(self.note1, self.phone1) if self.dict_len['b'] == 1 else \
self.islentwo(self.note1, self.phone1, self.phone2)
# 最后尝试'c'源
if not a and self.dict_len['c']:
a = self.islenone(self.note3, self.phone1) if self.dict_len['c'] == 1 else \
self.islentwo(self.note3, self.phone1, self.phone2)
return a
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