1. 引言


大数据的发展和应用是当前信息技术领域的一个重要方向,本期精读的文章是《Big Data: A Survey》。


2. 精读

2.1 摘要


2.2 背景

Over the past 20 years, data has increased in a large scale in various fields… how to effectively organize and manage such datasets… generates data of tens of Terabyte (TB) for online trading per day.


it also brings about many challenging problems demanding prompt solutions: collecting and integrating massive data… store and manage such huge heterogeneous datasets… reveal its intrinsic property and improve the decision making.


Big data is an abstract concept. Apart from masses of data, it also has some other features, which determine the difference between itself and ‘massive data’ or ‘very big data.’


Datasets that could not be perceived, acquired, managed, and processed by traditional IT and software/hardware tools within a tolerable time… datasets which could not be captured, managed, and processed by general computers within an acceptable scope… Big data shall mean the data of which the data volume, acquisition speed, or data representation limits the capacity of using traditional relational methods to conduct effective analysis or the data which may be effectively processed with important horizontal zoom technologies.


通常,大数据指的是传统IT和软件/硬件工具无法在可接受的时间内感知、获取、管理和处理的数据集。2010年,Apache Hadoop将大数据定义为“无法在可接受范围内被普通计算机捕获、管理和处理的数据集”。2011年,麦肯锡公司将大数据定义为无法被经典数据库软件获取、存储和管理的数据集。META(现为Gartner)分析师Doug Laney在2001年提出了3Vs模型,即数据量(Volume)、速度(Velocity)和多样性(Variety)的增加,来定义大数据带来的挑战和机遇。根据这个定义,大数据的特征可以总结为四个V,即数据量(Volume)、多样性(Variety)、速度(Velocity)和价值(Value)。



In the late 1970s, the concept of ‘database machine’ emerged, which is a technology specially used for storing and analyzing data… In the 1980s, people proposed ‘share nothing,’ a parallel database system, to meet the demand of the increasing data volume.


In March 2012, the Obama Administration announced a USD 200 million investment to launch the ‘Big Data Research and Development Plan.’


The sharply increasing data deluge in the big data era brings about huge challenges on data acquisition, storage, management and analysis.


2.4 相关技术


Cloud computing is closely related to big data… Big data is the object of the computation-intensive operation and stresses the storage capacity of a cloud system… The development of cloud computing provides solutions for the storage and processing of big data… The emergence of big data also accelerates the development of cloud computing… The distributed storage technology based on cloud computing can effectively manage big data; the parallel computing capacity by virtue of cloud computing can improve the efficiency of acquisition and analyzing big data… However, big data depends on cloud computing as the fundamental infrastructure for smooth operation… The main objective of cloud computing is to use huge computing and storage resources under concentrated management, so as to provide big data applications with fine-grained computing capacity… With the advances of big data and cloud computing, these two technologies are certainly and increasingly entwine with each other.


In the IoT paradigm, an enormous amount of networking sensors are embedded into various devices and machines in the real world… Such sensors deployed in different fields may collect various kinds of data, such as environmental data, geographical data, astronomical data, and logistic data… Mobile equipments, transportation facilities, public facilities, and home appliances could all be data acquisition equipments in IoT.


With the growth of data, the importance of data centers is also increasingly prominent… Data centers are becoming the backbone of big data technology, with the functions of data storage, management, and processing becoming increasingly complex and demanding… A large number of servers and storage devices need to be deployed to meet the needs of big data applications, which requires the data center to have high performance, high reliability, and high scalability… The architecture of data centers is evolving to provide better support for big data applications, including increased storage density, energy efficiency, and improved fault tolerance.


Hadoop is an open-source distributed computing framework that is designed to store and process large volumes of data across many computers in a cluster… It is specifically designed to handle the challenges posed by big data, including the storage, processing, and analysis of massive datasets… Hadoop’s core components include the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for storage and MapReduce for processing… The development of Hadoop has significantly advanced the ability to manage and analyze big data, enabling distributed computing and data storage at scale.


2.5 相关流程

Big data generation and acquisition can be generally divided into four phases: data generation, data acquisition, data storage, and data analysis.


Data generation is the first step of big data. Given Internet data as an example, huge amounts of data in terms of searching entries, Internet forum posts, chatting records, and microblog messages, are generated…


As the second phase of the big data system, big data acquisition includes data collection, data transmission, and data pre-processing…The collected datasets may sometimes include much redundant or useless data…Data compression technology can be applied to reduce the redundancy. Therefore, data pre-processing operations are indispensable to ensure efficient data storage and exploitation…Data collection is to utilize special data collection techniques to acquire raw data from a specific data generation environment…Log files are record files automatically generated by the data source system…Sensors measure physical quantities and transform them into readable digital signals for subsequent processing…Sensed information is transferred to a data collection point through wired or wireless networks.


Big data storage refers to the storage and management of large-scale datasets while achieving reliability and availability of data accessing…Eric Brewer proposed a CAP [80, 81] theory in 2000, which indicated that a distributed system could not simultaneously meet the requirements on consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.

数据存储涉及对大规模数据集进行高效存储和管理,同时确保数据访问的可靠性和可用性。这包括开发大规模分布式存储系统,使用直接附加存储(DAS)、网络附加存储(NAS)和存储区域网络(SAN)等技术,以满足数据存储和处理的需求。同时Eric Brewer提出的CAP理论表明,分布式系统在设计时必须在一致性、可用性和分区容错性之间进行权衡,无法同时满足这三项要求。


In the era of big data, key information extraction methods include Bloom Filter, Hashing, Index, Triel, and Parallel Computing. These methods help in efficient data processing and retrieval, though each has its limitations.


2.6 应用场景

Big data in enterprises…enhances production efficiency and competitiveness in various areas: marketing, sales planning, operations, and supply chain…IoT is a major source and market for big data…real-time tracking of trucks…smart cities…supports decision-making in water management, traffic reduction, and public safety…Social networks…public opinion analysis, intelligence collection, social marketing, government decision-making support, and online education…Medical applications…precise diagnostics, personalized treatments, and efficient hospital management…Collective intelligence…enhanced decision-making and innovation through crowd-sourced information and analytics…Smart grid…optimizes the efficiency and reliability of power grids through real-time monitoring and predictive analytics.


The analysis of big data is confronted with many challenges…but the current research is still in early stage…Considerable research efforts are needed to improve the efficiency of display, storage, and analysis of big data…There is a compelling need for a rigorous and holistic definition of big data, a structural model of big data, a formal description of big data, and a theoretical system of data science…An evaluation system of data quality and an evaluation standard/benchmark of data computing efficiency should be developed…Big data technology is still in its infancy…many key technical problems, such as cloud computing, grid computing, stream computing, parallel computing, big data architecture, big data model, and software systems supporting big data, etc. should be fully investigated…The emergence of big data opens great opportunities…Data with a larger scale, higher diversity, and more complex structures…Data resource performance…The reorganization and integration of different datasets can create more values…enterprises that master big data resources may obtain huge benefits by renting and assigning the rights to use their data .



3. 总结


在此基础上,我们可以概括出:大数据(Big Data)是指那些数据量巨大(Volume)、类型多样(Variety)、增长速度快(Velocity),能够挖掘出潜在价值(Value)的数据集合。简而言之,大数据不仅仅是大量的数据,而是这些数据如何帮助我们获取有用的信息和见解。



  • 数据生成:来源于互联网活动、企业记录、科学研究和临床应用等。
  • 数据获取:包括数据收集、数据传输和数据预处理等。
  • 数据存储:涉及存储机制的一致性、可用性和分区容错性等。
  • 数据分析:分为实时分析和离线分析,具体场景具体分析。




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