[Vue warn]: Vue received a Component that was made a reactive object. This can lead to unnecessary performance overhead and should be avoided by marking the component with markRaw or using shallowRef instead of ref. Component that was made reactive: {__hmrId: ‘e58a13b7’, __scopeId: ‘data-v-e58a13b7’
这个问题出现在 Vue 中当你不小心将一个组件实例通过 ref 变成了响应式对象时。这会导致不必要的性能开销,因为 Vue 会尝试追踪这个组件内部的变化来决定是否需要重新渲染,而这对于组件来说通常是不必要的。 -
1. 使用shallowRef声明
import SonA from "./components/A.vue";
import SonB from "./components/B.vue";
import SonC from "./components/C.vue";
import { shallowRef } from "vue";
const whichVue = shallowRef(SonA);
const data = shallowRef([
name: "A组件",
com: SonA,
name: "B组件",
com: SonB,
name: "C组件",
com: SonC,
2. 使用markRaw标记后再使用
import { ref, reactive, markRaw } from "vue";
// 组件SonA被标记后,使用ref和reactive就不会有警告信息
const whichVue = ref(SonA);
const data = reactive([
name: "A组件",
com: SonA,
转载请注明出处: 免费源码网-免费的源码资源网站 » shallowRef、markRaw的部分作用
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