首先,我们使用 treelib 库来显示树结构 :
ps : 如果 treelib 输出一堆乱码, 可以点进Tree修改 tree.py 大概 930 行左右的部分(去掉encode就行了)

        if stdout:
            print(self._reader)   # print(self._reader.encode("utf-8"))
            return self._reader

将字典转换为treelib 中可显示的 map的python 函数编写如下:

import copy
from treelib import Tree

def dict2map(dic):
    if not isinstance(dic, dict):
        raise TypeError("input should be dict")
    map = {}
    _dict2map_cb(dic if len(dic) <= 1 else {'root':dic}, map, parent = [])
    return map

def _dict2map_cb(dic, map, parent=[]):
    Create map object in treelib by dict
    :param dic: Python dict
    :param map: Use {} as map
    :param node_name: If None, use the first key of dic as root
                      but when multiple items in json, pass "root"
    :param parent: Parent node array
    for key, val in dic.items():
        node_name_new = '-'.join(parent)
        root_name = '-'.join(parent + [key])
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            map[root_name] = node_name_new if parent!=[] else None   # when root node,use None
            _dict2map_cb(val, map, parent=parent + [key])
            map[root_name + " : " + str(val)] = node_name_new if parent!=[] else None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    a = {"hello": {"word": 2}}
    b = {'decision 0': {'target 1': 256, 'decision 3': {'target 0': 128, 'target 1': 256}, 'decision 2': {'target 0': 256, 'target 1': 128}}}
    c = {'hi': {"w": 3}, 'this':{'e':4}}

决策树的参考文章是 《机器学习苏娜发原理与编程实践》郑捷著, 具体是分类如下的问题 :


显然容易构建出如下的决策树, 但这个决策树不是最优的
决策树的原理在这里不进行讲解, 将上面的表格保存为seals_data.xlsx, 并将转换的脚本保存为 dict_to_map.py, 即可直接运行下面的ID3决策树代码:

import numpy
import numpy as np
import copy
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder  # encoder labels
from treelib import Tree, Node
from sklearn.datasets._base import Bunch
from dict_to_map import dict2map

class ID3_Tree():
    """ ID3 decision Tree Algorithm """
    def __init__(self, counts = None, data = None, target = None, label_encoder = None):
        if (counts == None or data == None or target == None):
            self.train_data = Bunch(counts = counts, data = data, target = target)
            self.label_encoder = label_encoder()

        self.__Init_Tree(self.train_data.counts, self.train_data.data, self.train_data.target)

    def to_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.tree

    def load_data (self):
        """ arrange the data into the correct shapes """
        data_raw = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel("seals_data.xlsx"))
        label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
        # eliminate all the white space
        data_raw = data_raw.map(func=lambda x:x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x)
        data_proceed = pd.DataFrame()
        data_proceed['计数'] = data_raw.iloc[:, 0]
        for column in data_raw.columns[1:]:
            data_proceed[str(column).strip()] = label_encoder.fit_transform(data_raw[column])

        """ split data into 3 part : counts, data and target """
        counts = np.array(copy.deepcopy(data_proceed.iloc[:,0]))
        data = np.array(copy.deepcopy(data_proceed.iloc[:,1:-1]))
        target = np.array(copy.deepcopy(data_proceed.iloc[:,-1]))
        labels = [str(column).strip() for column in data_raw.columns]
        self.data_raw = data_raw
        self.train_data = Bunch(counts = counts, data = data, target = target ,labels = labels) # target = data_raw.iloc[:, 0])
        self.label_encoder = label_encoder

    def __Init_Tree(self, counts:np.ndarray, data:np.ndarray, target:np.ndarray):
        self.__check_param(counts, data, target)
        self.nums   = counts.shape[0]              # number of the type of the samples
        self.target_num = len(np.unique(target))   # the number of classes (C_i) , i = 1... m
        self.decision_num = data.shape[1]          # number of decision attributes (D)
        self.total_num = counts.sum()              # total number of samples (N)
        self.tree = {}                             # init the tree node

        # calculate the infomation entropy of the entire dataset
        targets =  np.unique(target)
        cls_cnt =  np.array([counts[target == targets[i]].sum() for i in range(targets.size)])
        cls_prop=  cls_cnt/cls_cnt.sum()
        self.base_entropy = -np.sum(cls_prop * np.log2(np.where(cls_prop == 0,1e-10, cls_prop)))

    def build_Tree(self):
        if (self.target_num <= 1):
            # only 1 class, stop split and return the empty tree
            self.tree["root"] = self.train_data.target[0]
            return self.tree

        # initialize the node decision range and target range, we use whole data set to calculate the entropy of root at first
        dec_range = np.arange(self.decision_num)   # decision attributes
        tar_range = np.arange(self.nums)           # targets on data
        # recursive call the calc_entropy_mat function until the class is purely classified.
        self.tree = self.__build_tree_node(dec_range, tar_range)

    def __check_param(self, counts, data, target):
        if len(counts.shape)!=1 or len(data.shape)!=2 or len(target.shape)!=1:
            raise ValueError("The input data is not in the correct shape")
        elif counts.shape[0]!= data.shape[0] or counts.shape[0] != target.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("The input data is not in the correct shape")

    def show(self):
        map = dict2map(self.tree)
        tree = Tree.from_map(map)
        tree.show(line_type="ascii-em", sorting=False)

    def __build_tree_node(self, dec_range, tar_range) -> dict:
        recursive function,
        counts, data, target, node_dec_range, node_tar_range
        :param dec_range : decision range (in direction 1 or y)
        :param tar_range : target range (in direction 0 or x)
        :return: root (name of the root node is defined by decision)

        counts = self.train_data.counts[tar_range]
        data =   self.train_data.data[tar_range][:, dec_range]
        target = self.train_data.target[tar_range]
        self.__check_param(counts, data, target)

        gain_list = [self.__get_node_info_gain(counts, data[:, i], target) for i in range(dec_range.size)]
        best_dec_idx = np.argmax(gain_list)  # best decision (note : relevant to dec_range, not self.train_data)

        best_decision = data[:, best_dec_idx]
        features = np.unique(best_decision)
        cnt_mat = self.__get_count_matrix(counts, best_decision, target)

        # use best decision as root node -> delete it from dec_range
        root_name = "decision" + str(dec_range[best_dec_idx])   # get the location of best decision
        root = {}

        d2 = numpy.delete(dec_range, best_dec_idx)  # create new dec_range object
        for i in range(len(features)):
            feature = features[i]
            cnt_arr = np.array(cnt_mat[:, i]).squeeze(1)   # change to array and squeeeze to 1 dim

            # record the classification result:
            left_tar_idx = np.nonzero(cnt_arr)[0]          # choice leave in this feature

            if (len(left_tar_idx) == 0):
                raise ValueError("left choices is not zero here!")

            if left_tar_idx.size == 1:
                # left number can be calculated by cnt_arr[left_choices], t2 = []
                root["target" + str(left_tar_idx[0]) ] = np.sum(cnt_arr[left_tar_idx])
            elif d2.size == 0 :  # no available decision left
                root["dummy"] = np.sum(cnt_arr[left_tar_idx]) # create dummy node
                t2 = tar_range[best_decision == feature]
                sub_tree = self.__build_tree_node(d2, t2);
                sub_rootname, sub_root = next(iter(sub_tree.items()))
                root[sub_rootname] = sub_root
        return {root_name : root}

    def __get_node_info_gain(self,counts_arr, decision_arr, target_arr):
        :param counts_arr: the counts array of the current node
        :param decision_arr: the decision attributes of the current node
        :param target_arr: target array to be classified of the current node
        :return: gain : scalar, infomation gain of the current node
        cnt_mat = self.__get_count_matrix(counts_arr, decision_arr, target_arr)
        # calculate the information gain of the current node by cnt_mat
        prob_mat = np.mat(cnt_mat / np.sum(cnt_mat, axis=0))  # calculate probability matrix
        prob_mat = np.where(prob_mat == 0, 1e-10, prob_mat)   # substitute 0 with 1e-10 to avoid log calculation error
        node_entropy = -np.sum(np.multiply(prob_mat, np.log2(prob_mat)), axis=0)
        node_wt = cnt_mat.sum(axis=0) / np.sum(cnt_mat)
        gain = self.base_entropy - np.multiply(node_wt, node_entropy).sum()
        return gain
    def __get_count_matrix(self, counts_arr, decision_arr, target_arr):
        calculate the count matrix of the node
        :param counts_arr:   the counts array of the current node
        :param decision_arr: the decision attributes of the current node
        :param target_arr:   target array to be classified of the current node
        :return: cnt_mat : np.matrix
        features = np.unique(decision_arr)
        targets = np.unique(target_arr)
        cnt_mat = np.array([
            [np.sum(counts_arr[(decision_arr == dec) & (target_arr == tar)]) for dec in features]
            for tar in targets
        return np.matrix(cnt_mat)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tree = ID3_Tree()

需要说明的是, 上述的代码没有按参考原文的代码, 算法的主要思路是一致的, 代码中将不同的选择称为 decision , 而每个选择的不同分支 称为 feature, 便于编程, 最终通过概率矩阵 prep_mat 计算出对应的节点熵。选取最适合用于分类的节点。

上面程序的运行结果如下 :

{'decision0': {'target1': 256, 'decision3': {'target0': 128, 'target1': 256}, 'decision2': {'target0': 256, 'target1': 128}}}
╠══ decision0-target1 : 256
╠══ decision0-decision3
║   ╠══ decision0-decision3-target0 : 128
║   ╚══ decision0-decision3-target1 : 256
╚══ decision0-decision2
    ╠══ decision0-decision2-target0 : 256
    ╚══ decision0-decision2-target1 : 128

上述树按照 feature 的先后顺序划分 (例如decision0(年龄)-feature0(中年)) 对应的是 decision0下的第一条, 以此类推。同时为了防止treelib自动排序,需要设置参数 tree.show(line_type="ascii-em", sorting=False)

需要说明的是, decision0-decision3 分别对应的是年龄 , 收入, 学生, 信誉, 具体可以拿这个具体去看:



另外, 利用 可以方便地采用 c4.5 算法很方便地建立这个决策树:
库下载: pip install c45-decision-tree

建立该树只需采用如下代码 :

from C45 import C45Classifier
import pandas as pd
import graphviz

data_raw = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel("seals_data.xlsx"))
data_raw = data_raw.map(func=lambda x:x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x)

counts = data_raw.iloc[:,0]
data   = data_raw.iloc[:,1:-1]
target = data_raw.iloc[:,-1]

data_new = []
target_new = []
for i in range(counts.size):
    for j in range(counts[i]):

model = C45Classifier()
model.fit(data_new, target_new)
tree_diagram = model.generate_tree_diagram(graphviz, "tree_diagram")

另外, 如果出现中文显示乱码问题, 可以跳转到 generate_tree_diagram 源码中, 添加 dot.attr(encoding='utf-8') # Ensure UTF-8 encoding 部分和 fontname="SimHei" 三个部分 :

    def generate_tree_diagram(self, graphviz, filename):
        # Menghasilkan diagram pohon keputusan menggunakan modul graphviz
        dot = graphviz.Digraph()
        def build_tree(node, parent_node=None, edge_label=None):
            if isinstance(node, _DecisionNode):
                current_node_label = str(node.attribute)

                dot.node(str(id(node)), label=current_node_label)
                if parent_node:
                    dot.edge(str(id(parent_node)), str(id(node)), label=edge_label, fontname="SimHei")

                for value, child_node in node.children.items():
                    build_tree(child_node, node, value)
            elif isinstance(node, _LeafNode):
                current_node_label = f"Class: {node.label}, Weight: {node.weight}"
                dot.node(str(id(node)), label=current_node_label, shape="box", fontname="SimHei")

                if parent_node:
                    dot.edge(str(id(parent_node)), str(id(node)), label=edge_label, fontname="SimHei")

        dot.format = 'png'
        dot.attr(encoding='utf-8')  # Ensure UTF-8 encoding
        return dot.render(filename, view=False)


附注 : 由于本人水平所限,上面的代码部分也可能有一些错误, 如果读者发现也希望能在评论区指正。

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