
Chapter 9 Automating Linux Administration Tasks

Managing Software and Subscriptions

Managing Packages with Ansible

The ansible.builtin.dnf Ansible module uses dnf on the managed hosts to handle package operations. The following playbook installs the httpd package on the managed host:

- name: Install the required packages on the web server
    - name: Install the httpd packages
        name: httpd    
        state: present 
# The `state` keyword indicates the expected state of the package on the managed host:`present`Ansible installs the package if it is not already installed.`absent`Ansible removes the package if it is installed.`latest`Ansible updates the package if it is not al

The following table compares some uses of the ansible.builtin.dnf Ansible module with the equivalent dnf command.

Ansible taskDNF command
- name: Install httpd ansible.builtin.dnf: name: httpd state: presentdnf install httpd
- name: Install or upgrade httpd ansible.builtin.dnf: name: httpd state: latestdnf upgrade httpd or dnf install httpd if the package is not yet installed.
- name: Upgrade all packages ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '*' state: latestdnf upgrade
- name: Remove httpd ansible.builtin.dnf: name: httpd state: absentdnf remove httpd
- name: Install Development Tools ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '@Development Tools' state: present With the ansible.builtin.dnf Ansible module, you must prefix group names with the at sign (@). Remember that you can retrieve the list of groups with the dnf group list command.dnf group install "Development Tools"
- name: Remove Development Tools ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '@Development Tools' state: absentdnf group remove "Development Tools"
- name: Install perl DNF module ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '@perl:5.26/minimal' state: presentTo manage a package module, prefix its name with the at sign (@). The syntax is the same as with the dnf command. For example, you can omit the profile part to use the default profile: @perl:5.26. Remember that you can list the available package modules with the dnf module list command.dnf module install perl:5.26/minimal.

Run the ansible-navigator doc ansible.builtin.dnf command for additional parameters and playbook examples.

Optimizing Multiple Package Installation

To operate on several packages, the name keyword accepts a list. The following playbook installs three packages on the managed host.

- name: Install the required packages on the web server
    - name: Install the packages
          - httpd
          - mod_ssl
          - httpd-tools
        state: present

With this syntax, Ansible installs the packages in a single DNF transaction. This is equivalent to running the dnf install httpd mod_ssl httpd-tools command.

A commonly seen but less efficient and slower version of this task is to use a loop.

- name: Install the required packages on the web server
    - name: Install the packages
        name: "{{ item }}""
        state: present
        - httpd
        - mod_ssl
        - httpd-tools

Avoid using this method because it requires the module to perform three individual transactions; one for each package.

Gathering Facts about Installed Packages

The ansible.builtin.package_facts Ansible module collects the installed package details on managed hosts. It sets the ansible_facts['packages'] variable with the package details.

The following playbook calls the ansible.builtin.package_facts module, and the ansible.builtin.debug module to display the content of the ansible_facts['packages'] variable and the version of the installed NetworkManager package.

- name: Display installed packages
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Gather info on installed packages
        manager: auto

    - name: List installed packages
        var: ansible_facts['packages']

    - name: Display NetworkManager version
        var: ansible_facts['packages']['NetworkManager'][0]['version'] 
      when: ansible_facts['packages']['NetworkManager'] is defined

When run, the playbook displays the package list and the version of the NetworkManager package:

[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible-navigator run -m stdout lspackages.yml

PLAY [Display installed packages] **********************************************

TASK [Gather info on installed packages] ***************************************
ok: []

TASK [List installed packages] *************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "ansible_facts['packages']": {
        "NetworkManager": [
                "arch": "x86_64",
                "epoch": 1,
                "name": "NetworkManager",
                "release": "4.el9_0",
                "source": "rpm",
                "version": "1.36.0"
...output omitted...
        "zstd": [
                "arch": "x86_64",
                "epoch": null,
                "name": "zstd",
                "release": "2.el9",
                "source": "rpm",
                "version": "1.5.1"

TASK [Display NetworkManager version] ******************************************
ok: [] => {
    "ansible_facts['packages']['NetworkManager'][0]['version']": "1.36.0"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************    : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0  ...
Reviewing Alternative Modules to Manage Packages

For other package managers, Ansible usually provides a dedicated module. The ansible.builtin.apt module uses the APT package tool available on Debian and Ubuntu. The module can install software on Microsoft Windows systems.

The following playbook uses conditionals to select the appropriate module in an environment composed of Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems running major versions 7, 8, and 9.

- name: Install the required packages on the web servers
  hosts: webservers
    - name: Install httpd on RHEL 8 and 9
        name: httpd
        state: present
        - "ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'RedHat'"
        - "ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] >= '8'`"

    - name: Install httpd on RHEL 7 and earlier
        name: httpd
        state: present
        - "ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'RedHat'"
        - "ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] <= `'7'`"

As an alternative, the generic ansible.builtin.package module automatically detects and uses the package manager available on the managed hosts. With the ansible.builtin.package module, you can rewrite the previous playbook as follows:

- name: Install the required packages on the web servers
  hosts: webservers
    - name: Install httpd
        name: httpd
        state: present

However, the ansible.builtin.package module does not support all the features that the more specialized modules provide.

Also, operating systems often have different names for the packages they provide. For example, the package that installs the Apache HTTP Server is httpd on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and apache2 on Ubuntu.

In that situation, you still need a conditional for selecting the correct package name depending on the operating system of the managed host.

Registering and Managing Systems with Red Hat Subscription Management

You can entitle your Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems to product subscriptions by using a few different methods:

  • You can use the subscription-manager command.

  • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 systems and later, you can use the rhel-system-roles.rhc role available from the rhel-system-roles RPM (version 1.21.1 and later).

  • You can use the redhat.rhel_system_roles.rhc role from the redhat.rhel_system_roles collection (version 1.21.1 and later).

    The automation execution environment contains the redhat.rhel_system_roles collection. You can also install the redhat.rhel_system_roles collection in your Ansible project and then use the ee-supported-rhel8 automation execution environment available for Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 or 2.3.

Managing Red Hat Subscription Management from the Command Line

Without Ansible, you can use the subscription-manager command to register a system:

[user@host ~]$ sudo subscription-manager register
Registering to:
Username: yourusername
Password: yourpassword
...output omitted...

The following command attaches a subscription using a pool ID. You can list the pools available to your account with the subscription-manager list --available command.

[user@host ~]$ sudo subscription-manager attach --pool=poolID

After you register a system and attach a subscription, you can use the subscription-manager command to enable Red Hat software repositories on the system. You might use the subscription-manager repos --list command to identify available repositories and then use the subscription-manager repos enable command to enable repositories:

[user@host ~]$ sudo subscription-manager repos \
> --enable "rhel-9-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms" \
> --enable "rhel-9-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms"
Managing Red Hat Subscription Management by Using a Role

Whether you use the rhel-system-roles.rhc role from the rhel-system-roles RPM or the redhat.rhel_system_roles.rhc role from the redhat.rhel_system_roles collection, the steps for managing Red Hat subscription management are essentially the same.

  1. Create a play that includes the desired role:

    - name: Register systems
      hosts: all
      become: true
        - name: Include the rhc role
            name: redhat.rhel_system_roles.rhc
  2. Define variables for the role. You might define these variables in the play, in a group_vars directory, in a host_vars directory, or in a separate variable file:

    rhc_state: present 
        username: yourusername
        password: yourpassword
      state: present
      - name: rhel-9-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
        state: enabled
      - name: rhel-9-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
        state: enabled
    The rhc_state variable specifies if the system should be connected (or registered) to Red Hat. Valid values are present, absent, and reconnect. When set to either present or reconnect, the role attempts to automatically attach a subscription.
    The rhc_auth variable defines additional variables related to authenticating to Red Hat subscription management, such as the rhc_auth['login'] and rhc_auth['activation_keys'] variables. One option for authentication is to specify your username and password. If you use this option, then you might consider protecting these variables with Ansible Vault. A second option is to define activation keys for your organization.
    The rhc_insights variable defines additional variables related to Red Hat Insights. By default, the rhc_insights['state'] variable has a value of present, which enables Red Hat Insights integration. Additional variables are available for Red Hat Insights when the rhc_insights['state'] variable has a value of present. Set the rhc_insights['state'] variable to absent to disable Red Hat Insights integration.
    The rhc_repositories variable defines a list of repositories to either enable or disable.
  3. After you create the playbook and define variables for the role, run the playbook to apply the configuration.

Configuring an RPM Package Repository(yum_repository)

To enable support for a third-party Yum repository on a managed host, Ansible provides the ansible.builtin.yum_repository module.

Declaring an RPM Package Repository

When run, the following playbook declares a new Yum repository on

- name: Configure the company YUM/DNF repositories
    - name: Ensure Example Repo exists
        file: example   
        name: example-internal
        description: Example Inc. Internal YUM/DNF repo
        enabled: true
        gpgcheck: true   
        state: present  
The file keyword specifies the name of the file to create under the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. The module automatically adds the .repo extension to that name.
Typically, software providers digitally sign RPM packages using GPG keys. By setting the gpgcheck keyword to true, the RPM system verifies package integrity by confirming that the package was signed by the appropriate GPG key. The RPM system does not install any package whose GPG signature does not match. Use the ansible.builtin.rpm_key Ansible module, described later in this section, to install the required GPG public key.
When you set the state keyword to present, Ansible creates or updates the .repo file. When state is set to absent, Ansible deletes the file.

The resulting /etc/yum.repos.d/example.repo file on is as follows:

async = 1
baseurl =
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
name = Example Inc. Internal YUM/DNF repo

The ansible.builtin.yum_repository module exposes most of the repository configuration parameters as keywords. Run the ansible-navigator doc ansible.builtin.yum_repository command for additional parameters and playbook examples.

Some third-party repositories provide the configuration file and the GPG public key as part of an RPM package that can be downloaded and installed using the dnf install command.

For example, the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) project provides the package that deploys the /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo configuration file.

For this repository, use the ansible.builtin.dnf module to install the EPEL package instead of the ansible.builtin.yum_repository module.

Importing an RPM GPG Key

When the gpgcheck keyword is set to true in the ansible.builtin.yum_repository module, you also need to install the GPG key on the managed host. The ansible.builtin.rpm_key module in the following example deploys the GPG public key hosted on a remote web server to the managed host.

- name: Configure the company YUM/DNF repositories
    - name: Deploy the GPG public key
        state: present

    - name: Ensure Example Repo exists
        file: example
        name: example-internal
        description: Example Inc. Internal YUM/DNF repo
        enabled: true
        gpgcheck: true
        state: present

dnf(8), yum.conf(5), and subscription-manager(8) man pages

ansible.builtin.dnf module - Manages Packages with the DNF Package Manager - Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.package_facts module - Package Information as Facts - Ansible Documentation

Introduction to the rhel-system-roles.rhc Role

Using the redhat.rhel_system_roles.rhc Collection Role

ansible.builtin.yum_repository module - Add or Remove YUM Repositories - Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.rpm_key module - Adds or Removes a GPG Key from the RPM DB - Ansible Documentation


Write a playbook to ensure that the simple-agent package is installed on all managed hosts. The playbook must also ensure that all managed hosts are configured to use the internal Yum repository.

The repository is located at All RPM packages in the repository are signed with a GPG key pair. The GPG public key for the repository packages is available at

[student@workstation system-software]$ cat ansible.cfg 

#Try me...


[student@workstation system-software]$ cat inventory
# repo_playbook.yml
- name: Config yum repo for installing simple-agent
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    custom_pkg: simple-agent
    - name: Gather information about installed packages
        manager: auto
    # Check if the simple-agent installed and the version of it
    - name: Display custom package version
        var: ansible_facts['packages'][custom_pkg][0]['version']
      when: ansible_facts['packages'][custom_pkg] is defined

    - name: Check Example Repo exists
        file: example
        name: example-internal
        description: Example Inc. Internal YUM repo
        enabled: true
        gpgcheck: true
        state: present

    - name: Ensure Repo RPM key is installed
        state: present
    - name: Install Example package
        name: '{{ custom_pkg }}'
        state: present
	# Gather ansible_facts again after the packages is installed
    - name: Gather information about installed packages
        manager: auto
    # show the simple-agent information
    - name: Display custom package version
        var: ansible_facts['packages'][custom_pkg]
      when: custom_pkg in ansible_facts['packages']


[student@workstation system-software]$ ansible-navigator run -m stdout repo_playbook.yml 
PLAY [Config yum repo for installing simple-agent] *****************************

TASK [Gather information about installed packages] *****************************
ok: []

TASK [Display custom package version] ******************************************
skipping: []   # skipped due to the package not installed yet

TASK [Check Example Repo exists] ***********************************************
ok: []

TASK [Ensure Repo RPM key is installed] ****************************************
ok: []

TASK [Install Example package] *************************************************
changed: []

TASK [Gather information about installed packages] *****************************
ok: []

TASK [Display custom package version] ******************************************
ok: [] => {
    "ansible_facts['packages'][custom_pkg]": [
            "arch": "x86_64",
            "epoch": null,
            "name": "simple-agent",
            "release": "1.el9",
            "source": "rpm",
            "version": "1.0"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************    : ok=6    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Managing Users and Authentication

The User Module

The Ansible ansible.builtin.user module lets you create, configure, and remove user accounts on managed hosts. You can remove or add a user, set a user’s home directory, set the UID for system user accounts, manage passwords, and assign a user to supplementary groups.

To create a user that can log in to the machine, you need to provide a hashed password for the password parameter. See “How do I generate encrypted passwords for the user module?” for information on how to hash a password.

The following example demonstrates the ansible.builtin.user module:

- name: Create devops_user if missing, make sure is member of correct groups
    name: devops_user 
    shell: /bin/bash 
    groups: sys_admins, developers 
    append: true
The name parameter is the only option required by the ansible.builtin.user module. Its value is the name of the service account or user account to create, remove, or modify.
The shell parameter sets the user’s shell.
The groups parameter, when used with the append parameter, tells the machine to append the supplementary groups sys_admins and developers to this user. If you do not use the append parameter then the groups provided overwrite a user’s existing supplementary groups. To set the primary group for a user, use the group option.


The ansible.builtin.user module also provides information in return values, such as the user’s home directory and a list of groups that the user is a member of. These return values can be registered into a variable and used in subsequent tasks. More information is available in the documentation for the module.

Table 9.1. Commonly Used Parameters for the User Module

commentOptionally sets the description of a user account.
groupOptionally sets the user’s primary group.
groupsOptionally sets a list of supplementary groups for the user. When set to a null value, all groups except the primary group are removed.
homeOptionally sets the user’s home directory location.
create_homeOptionally takes a Boolean value of true or false. A home directory is created for the user if the value is set to true.
systemOptionally takes a Boolean value of true or false. When creating an account, this makes the user a system account if the value is set to true. This setting cannot be changed on existing users.
uidSets the UID number of the user.
stateIf set to present, create the account if it is missing (the default setting). If set to absent, remove the account if it is present.
Use the User Module to Generate an SSH Key

The ansible.builtin.user module can generate an SSH key if called with the generate_ssh_key parameter.

The following example demonstrates how the ansible.builtin.user module generates an SSH key:

- name: Create an SSH key for user1
    name: user1
    generate_ssh_key: true 
    ssh_key_bits: 2048 
    ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_my_rsa 
The generate_ssh_key parameter accepts a Boolean value that specifies whether to generate an SSH key for the user. This does not overwrite an existing SSH key unless the force parameter is provided with the true value.
The ssh_key_bits parameter sets the number of bits in the new SSH key.
The ssh_key_file parameter specifies the file name for the new SSH private key (the public key adds the .pub suffix).
The Group Module

The module adds, deletes, and modifies groups on the managed hosts. The managed hosts need to have the groupadd, groupdel, and groupmod commands available, which are provided by the shadow-utils package in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. For Microsoft Windows managed hosts, use the win_group module.

The following example demonstrates how the module creates a group:

- name: Verify that the auditors group exists
    name: auditors 
    state: present 

Table 9.2. Parameters for the Group Module

gidThis parameter sets the GID number to for the group. If omitted, the number is automatically selected.
localThis parameter forces the use of local command alternatives (instead of commands that might change central authentication sources) on platforms that implement it.
nameThis parameter sets the name of the group to manage.
stateThis parameter determines whether the group should be present or absent on the remote host.
systemIf this parameter is set to true, then the group is created as a system group (typically, with a GID number below 1000).
The Known Hosts Module

The ansible.builtin.known_hosts module manages SSH host keys by adding or removing them on managed hosts. This ensures that managed hosts can automatically establish the authenticity of SSH connections to other managed hosts, ensuring that users are not prompted to verify a remote managed host’s SSH fingerprint the first time they connect to it.

The following example demonstrates how the ansible.builtin.known_hosts module copies a host key to a managed host:

- name: Copy host keys to remote servers
    path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts 
    key:, ssh-rsa ASDeararAIUHI324324 
The path parameter specifies the path to the known_hosts file to edit. If the file does not exist, then it is created.
The name parameter specifies the name of the host to add or remove. The name must match the hostname or IP address of the key being added.
The key parameter is the SSH public host key as a string in a specific format. For example, the value for the key parameter must be in the format <hostname[,IP]> ssh-rsa <pubkey> for an RSA public host key (found in a host’s /etc/ssh/ key file), or <hostname[,IP]> ssh-ed25519 <pubkey> for an Ed25519 public host key (found in a host’s /etc/ssh/ key file).

The following example demonstrates how to use the lookup plug-in to populate the key parameter from an existing file in the Ansible project:

- name: Copy host keys to remote servers
    path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    name: serverb
    key: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.file', 'pubkeys/serverb') }}" 
This Jinja2 expression uses the lookup function with the ansible.builtin.file lookup plug-in to load the content of the pubkeys/serverb key file from the Ansible project as the value of the key option. You can list available lookup plug-ins using the ansible-navigator doc -l -t lookup command

The following play is an example that uses some advanced techniques to construct an /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts file for all managed hosts in the inventory. There might be more efficient ways to accomplish this, because it runs a nested loop on all managed hosts.

It uses the ansible.builtin.slurp module to get the content of the RSA and Ed25519 SSH public host keys in Base64 format, and then processes the values of the registered variable with the b64decode and trim filters to convert those values back to plain text.

- name: Configure /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts files
  hosts: all

    - name: Collect RSA keys
        src: /etc/ssh/
      register: rsa_host_keys

    - name: Collect Ed25519 keys
        src: /etc/ssh/
      register: ed25519_host_keys

    - name: Deploy known_hosts
        path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
        name: "{{ item[0] }}" 
        key: "{{ hostvars[ item[0] ]['ansible_facts']['fqdn'] }} {{ hostvars[ item[0] ][ item[1] ]['content'] | b64decode | trim }}" 
        state: present
        - "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}" 
        - [ 'rsa_host_keys', 'ed25519_host_keys' ] 
item[0] is an inventory hostname from the list in the ansible_play_hosts variable.
item[1] is the string rsa_host_keys or ed25519_host_keys. The b64decode filter converts the value stored in the variable from Base64 to plain text, and the trim filter removes an unnecessary newline. This is all one line starting with key, and there is a single space between the two Jinja2 expressions.
ansible_play_hosts is a list of the hosts remaining in the play at this point, taken from the inventory and removing hosts with failed tasks. The play must retrieve the RSA and Ed25519 public host keys for each of the other hosts when it constructs the known_hosts file on each host in the play.
This is a two-item list of the two variables that the play uses to store host keys.


Lookup plug-ins and filters are covered in more detail in the course DO374: Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.

The Authorized Key Module

The ansible.posix.authorized_key module manages SSH authorized keys for user accounts on managed hosts.


The following example demonstrates how to use the ansible.posix.authorized_key module to add an SSH key to a managed host:

- name: Set authorized key
    user: user1 
    state: present 
    key: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.file', 'files/user1/') }}" 
The user parameter specifies the username of the user whose authorized_keys file is modified on the managed host.
The state parameter accepts the present or absent value with present as the default.
The key parameter specifies the SSH public key to add or remove. In this example, the lookup function uses the ansible.builtin.file lookup plug-in to load the contents of the files/user1/ file in the Ansible project as the value for key. As an alternative, you can provide a URL to a public key file as this value.
Configuring Sudo Access for Users and Groups

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, you can configure access for a user or group to run sudo commands without requiring a password prompt.

The following example demonstrates how to use the ansible.builtin.lineinfile module to provide a group with sudo access to the root account without prompting the group members for a password:

- name: Modify sudo to allow the group01 group sudo without a password
    path: /etc/sudoers.d/group01 
    state: present 
    create: true 
    mode: 0440 
    line: "%group01 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" 
    validate: /usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s 
The path parameter specifies the file to modify in the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory. It is a good practice to match the file name with the name of the user or group you are providing access to. This makes it easier for future reference.
The state parameter accepts the present or absent value. The default value is present.
The create parameter takes a Boolean value and specifies if the file should be created if it does not already exist. The default value for the create parameter is false.
The mode parameter specifies the permissions on the sudoers file.
The line parameter specifies the line to add to the file. The format is specific, and an example can be found in the /etc/sudoers file under the “Same thing but without a password” comment. If you are configuring sudo access for a group, then you need to add a percent sign (%) to the beginning of the group name. If you are configuring sudo access for a user, then do not add the percent sign.
The validate parameter specifies the command to run to verify that the file is correct. When the validate parameter is present, the file is created in a temporary file path and the provided command validates the temporary file. If the validate command succeeds, then the temporary file is copied to the path specified in the path parameter and the temporary file is removed.

An example of the sudo validation command can be found in the examples section of the output from the ansible-navigator doc ansible.builtin.lineinfile command.


Users Module Ansible Documentation

How do I generate encrypted passwords for the user module

Group Module Ansible Documentation

SSH Known Hosts Module Ansible Documentation

Authorized Key Module Ansible Documentation

The Lookup Plugin Ansible Documentation

Using Filters to Manipulate Data

The Line in File Module Ansible Documentation

  • Create a new user group.
  • Manage users by using the ansible.builtin.user module.
  • Populate SSH authorized keys by using the ansible.posix.authorized_key module.
  • Modify the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and a configuration file in /etc/sudoers.d by using the ansible.builtin.lineinfile module.
[student@workstation system-users]$ tree
├── ansible.cfg
├── ansible-navigator.log
├── files
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── inventory
├── users.yml
└── vars
    └── users_vars.yml


[student@workstation system-users]$ cat ansible.cfg 


[student@workstation system-users]$ cat inventory 

[student@workstation system-users]$ cat vars/users_vars.yml 
  - username: user1
    groups: webadmin
  - username: user2
    groups: webadmin
  - username: user3
    groups: webadmin
  - username: user4
    groups: webadmin
  - username: user5
    groups: webadmin

The final playbook file as :

- name: Adding users
  hosts: webservers
    - vars/users_vars.yml

    - name: Creating user group
        name: webadmin
        state: present

    - name: Create uses from vars file
        name: "{{ item['username'] }}"
        groups: "{{ item['groups'] }}"
      loop: "{{ users }}"

    - name: Populate the SSH pub keys
        user: "{{ item['username'] }}"
        state: present
        key: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/'+item['username']+'') }}"
      loop: "{{ users }}"
    - name: Modify to make sudo without passwd
        path: /etc/sudoers.d/webadmin
        state: present
        create: true
        mode: 0440
        line: "%webadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
        validate: /usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s
    - name: Disable root login via SSH
        dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        regexp: "^PermitRootLogin"
        line: "PermitRootLogin no"
      notify: Restart sshd

    - name: Restart sshd
        name: sshd
        state: restarted


[student@workstation system-users]$ ssh user1@servera

[student@workstation system-users]$ ssh root@servera
root@servera's password: 
Permission denied, please try again.

Managing the Boot Process and Scheduled Processes

Scheduling Jobs for Future Execution
  • The at command schedules jobs that run once at a specified time.
  • The Cron subsystem schedules jobs to run on a recurring schedule, either in a user’s personal crontab file, in the system Cron configuration in /etc/crontab, or as a file in /etc/cron.d.
  • The systemd subsystem also provides timer units that can start service units on a set schedule.
Scheduling Jobs That Run One Time

Quick one-time scheduling is done with the module. You create the job to run at a future time, and it is held until that time to execute.

Table 9.3. Options for the Module

commandThe command to schedule to run in the future.
countThe integer number of units from now that the job should run. (Must be used with units.)
unitsSpecifies whether count is measured in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
script_fileAn existing script file to schedule to run in the future.
stateThe default value (present) adds a job; absent removes a matching job if present.
uniqueIf set to true, then if a matching job is already present, a new job is not added.

In the following example, the task shown uses at to schedule the userdel -r tempuser command to run in 20 minutes.

- name: Remove tempuser
    command: userdel -r tempuser
    count: 20
    units: minutes
    unique: true
Scheduling Repeating Jobs with Cron

You can configure a command that runs on a repeating schedule by using Cron. To set up Cron jobs, use the ansible.builtin.cron module. The name option is mandatory, and is inserted in the crontab as a description of the repeating job. It is also used by the module to determine if the Cron job already exists, or which Cron job to modify or delete.

Some commonly used parameters for the ansible.builtin.cron module include:

Table 9.4. Options for the ansible.builtin.cron Module

nameThe comment identifying the Cron job.
jobThe command to run.
minute, hour, day, month, weekdayThe value for the field in the time specification for the job in the crontab entry. If not set, "*" (all values) is assumed.
stateIf set to present, it creates the Cron job (the default); absent removes it.
userThe Cron job runs as this user. If cron_file is not specified, the job is set in that user’s crontab file.
cron_fileIf set, create a system Cron job in cron_file. You must specify user and a time specification. If you use a relative path, then the file is created in /etc/cron.d.

This first example task creates a Cron job in the testing user’s personal crontab file. It runs their personal backup-home-dir script at 16:00 every Friday. You could log in as that user and run crontab -l after running the playbook to confirm that it worked.

- name: Schedule backups for my home directory
    name: Backup my home directory
    user: testing
    job: /home/testing/bin/backup-home-dir
    minute: 0
    hour: 16
    weekday: 5

In the following example, the task creates a system Cron job in the /etc/cron.d/flush_bolt file that runs a command as root to flush the Bolt cache every morning at 11:45.

- name: Schedule job to flush the Bolt cache
    name: Flush Bolt cache
    cron_file: flush_bolt
    user: "root"
    minute: 45
    hour: 11
    job: "php ./app/nut cache:clear"


Do not use cron_file to modify the /etc/crontab file. The file you specify must only be maintained by Ansible and should only contain the entry specified by the task.

Controlling Systemd Timer Units

The ansible.builtin.systemd module can be used to enable or disable existing systemd timer units that run recurring jobs (usually systemd service units that eventually exit).

The following example disables and stops the systemd timer that automatically populates the dnf package cache on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

- name: Disable dnf makecache
    name: dnf-makecache.timer
    state: stopped
    enabled: false
Managing Services

You can choose between two modules to manage services or reload daemons: ansible.builtin.systemd and ansible.builtin.service.

The ansible.builtin.service module is intended to work with a number of service-management systems, including systemd, Upstart, SysVinit, BSD init, and others. Because it provides a generic interface to the initialization system, it offers a basic set of options to start, stop, restart, and enable services and other daemons.

- name: Start and enable nginx
    name: nginx
    state: started
    enabled: true

The ansible.builtin.systemd module is designed to work with systemd only, but it offers additional configuration options specific to that system and service manager.

The following example that uses ansible.builtin.systemd is equivalent to the preceding example that used ansible.builtin.service:

- name: Start nginx
    name: nginx
    state: started
    enabled: true

The next example reloads the httpd daemon, but before it does that it runs systemctl daemon-reload to reload the entire systemd configuration.

- name: Reload web server
    name: httpd
    state: reloaded
    daemon_reload: true
Setting the Default Boot Target

The ansible.builtin.systemd module cannot set the default boot target. You can use the ansible.builtin.command module to set the default boot target.

- name: Change default systemd target
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false

    systemd_target: "" 

    - name: Get current systemd target
        cmd: systemctl get-default 
      # Because this is just gathering information, the task should never report `changed`.
      changed_when: false    
      register: target 

    - name: Set default systemd target
        cmd: systemctl set-default {{ systemd_target }} 
      when: systemd_target not in target['stdout'] 
      # This is the only task in this play that requires `root` access.
      become: true 
Rebooting Managed Hosts

You can use the dedicated ansible.builtin.reboot module to reboot managed hosts during playbook execution. This module reboots the managed host, and waits until the managed host comes back up before continuing with playbook execution. The module determines that a managed host is back up by waiting until Ansible can run a command on the managed host.

The following simple example immediately triggers a reboot:

- name: Reboot now

By default, the playbook waits up to 600 seconds before deciding that the reboot failed, and another 600 seconds before deciding that the test command failed. You can adjust this value so that the timeouts are each 180 seconds. For example:

- name: Reboot, shorten timeout
    reboot_timeout: 180

Some other useful options to the module include:

Table 9.5. Options for the ansible.builtin.reboot Module

pre_reboot_delayThe time to wait before reboot. On Linux, this is measured in minutes, and if less than 60, is rounded down to 0.
msgThe message to display to users before reboot.
test_commandThe command used to determine whether the managed host is usable and ready for more Ansible tasks after reboot. The default is whoami.
References module - Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command — Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.cron module - Manage cron.d and crontab entries — Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.reboot module - Reboot a machine — Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.service module - Manage services — Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.systemd module - Manage systemd units — Ansible Documentation

Managing the Boot Process and Scheduled Processes

Scheduling Jobs for Future Execution
  • The at command schedules jobs that run once at a specified time.
  • The Cron subsystem schedules jobs to run on a recurring schedule, either in a user’s personal crontab file, in the system Cron configuration in /etc/crontab, or as a file in /etc/cron.d.
  • The systemd subsystem also provides timer units that can start service units on a set schedule.
Scheduling Jobs That Run One Time

Quick one-time scheduling is done with the module. You create the job to run at a future time, and it is held until that time to execute.

Table 9.3. Options for the Module

commandThe command to schedule to run in the future.
countThe integer number of units from now that the job should run. (Must be used with units.)
unitsSpecifies whether count is measured in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
script_fileAn existing script file to schedule to run in the future.
stateThe default value (present) adds a job; absent removes a matching job if present.
uniqueIf set to true, then if a matching job is already present, a new job is not added.

In the following example, the task shown uses at to schedule the userdel -r tempuser command to run in 20 minutes.

- name: Remove tempuser
    command: userdel -r tempuser
    count: 20
    units: minutes
    unique: true
    state: present
Scheduling Repeating Jobs with Cron

You can configure a command that runs on a repeating schedule by using Cron. To set up Cron jobs, use the ansible.builtin.cron module. The name option is mandatory, and is inserted in the crontab as a description of the repeating job. It is also used by the module to determine if the Cron job already exists, or which Cron job to modify or delete.

Some commonly used parameters for the ansible.builtin.cron module include:

Table 9.4. Options for the ansible.builtin.cron Module

nameThe comment identifying the Cron job.
jobThe command to run.
minute, hour, day, month, weekdayThe value for the field in the time specification for the job in the crontab entry. If not set, "*" (all values) is assumed.
stateIf set to present, it creates the Cron job (the default); absent removes it.
userThe Cron job runs as this user. If cron_file is not specified, the job is set in that user’s crontab file.
cron_fileIf set, create a system Cron job in cron_file. You must specify user and a time specification. If you use a relative path, then the file is created in /etc/cron.d.

This first example task creates a Cron job in the testing user’s personal crontab file. It runs their personal backup-home-dir script at 16:00 every Friday. You could log in as that user and run crontab -l after running the playbook to confirm that it worked.

- name: Schedule backups for my home directory
    name: Backup my home directory
    user: testing
    job: /home/testing/bin/backup-home-dir
    minute: 0
    hour: 16
    weekday: 5

In the following example, the task creates a system Cron job in the /etc/cron.d/flush_bolt file that runs a command as root to flush the Bolt cache every morning at 11:45.

- name: Schedule job to flush the Bolt cache
    name: Flush Bolt cache
    cron_file: flush_bolt
    user: "root"
    minute: 45
    hour: 11
    job: "php ./app/nut cache:clear"


Do not use cron_file to modify the /etc/crontab file. The file you specify must only be maintained by Ansible and should only contain the entry specified by the task.

Controlling Systemd Timer Units

The ansible.builtin.systemd module can be used to enable or disable existing systemd timer units that run recurring jobs (usually systemd service units that eventually exit).

The following example disables and stops the systemd timer that automatically populates the dnf package cache on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

- name: Disable dnf makecache
    name: dnf-makecache.timer
    state: stopped
    enabled: false
Managing Services

You can choose between two modules to manage services or reload daemons: ansible.builtin.systemd and ansible.builtin.service.

The ansible.builtin.service module is intended to work with a number of service-management systems, including systemd, Upstart, SysVinit, BSD init, and others. Because it provides a generic interface to the initialization system, it offers a basic set of options to start, stop, restart, and enable services and other daemons.

- name: Start and enable nginx
    name: nginx
    state: started
    enabled: true

The ansible.builtin.systemd module is designed to work with systemd only, but it offers additional configuration options specific to that system and service manager.

The following example that uses ansible.builtin.systemd is equivalent to the preceding example that used ansible.builtin.service:

- name: Start nginx
    name: nginx
    state: started
    enabled: true

The next example reloads the httpd daemon, but before it does that it runs systemctl daemon-reload to reload the entire systemd configuration.

- name: Reload web server
    name: httpd
    state: reloaded
    daemon_reload: true
Setting the Default Boot Target

The ansible.builtin.systemd module cannot set the default boot target. You can use the ansible.builtin.command module to set the default boot target.

- name: Change default systemd target
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false

    systemd_target: "" 

    - name: Get current systemd target
        cmd: systemctl get-default 
      changed_when: false 
      register: target 

    - name: Set default systemd target
        cmd: systemctl set-default {{ systemd_target }} 
      when: systemd_target not in target['stdout'] 
      become: true 
Rebooting Managed Hosts

You can use the dedicated ansible.builtin.reboot module to reboot managed hosts during playbook execution. This module reboots the managed host, and waits until the managed host comes back up before continuing with playbook execution. The module determines that a managed host is back up by waiting until Ansible can run a command on the managed host.

The following simple example immediately triggers a reboot:

- name: Reboot now

By default, the playbook waits up to 600 seconds before deciding that the reboot failed, and another 600 seconds before deciding that the test command failed. You can adjust this value so that the timeouts are each 180 seconds. For example:

- name: Reboot, shorten timeout
    reboot_timeout: 180

Some other useful options to the module include:

Table 9.5. Options for the ansible.builtin.reboot Module

pre_reboot_delayThe time to wait before reboot. On Linux, this is measured in minutes, and if less than 60, is rounded down to 0.
msgThe message to display to users before reboot.
test_commandThe command used to determine whether the managed host is usable and ready for more Ansible tasks after reboot. The default is whoami.
References module - Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command — Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.cron module - Manage cron.d and crontab entries — Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.reboot module - Reboot a machine — Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.service module - Manage services — Ansible Documentation

ansible.builtin.systemd module - Manage systemd units — Ansible Documentation


[student@workstation system-process]$ cat ansible.cfg 
remote_user = devops
inventory = ./inventory

become = yes
become_method = sudo

[student@workstation system-process]$ cat inventory 
  1. Create the create_crontab_file.yml playbook in the working directory.

    Configure the playbook to use the ansible.builtin.cron module to create a crontab file named /etc/cron.d/add-date-time that schedules a recurring Cron job. The job should run as the devops user every two minutes starting at 09:00 and ending at 16:59 from Monday through Friday. The job should append the current date and time to the /home/devops/my_datetime_cron_job file.

    - name: Create a crontab file
      hosts: webservers
      become: true
        - name: building jobs
            name: add date and time to a file
            job: date >> /home/devops/my_date_time_cron_job 
            minute: "*/2"
            hour: 9-16
            weekday: 1-5
            user: devops
            cron_file: add-date-time
            state: present
  2. Create the remove_cron_job.yml playbook in the working directory. Configure the playbook to use the ansible.builtin.cron module to remove the Add date and time to a file Cron job from the /etc/cron.d/add-date-time crontab file.

    - name: Remove a crontab file
      hosts: webservers
      become: true
        - name: building jobs
            name: add date and time to a file
            user: devops
            cron_file: add-date-time
            state: absent
  3. Create the schedule_at_task.yml playbook in the working directory. Configure the playbook to use the module to schedule a task that runs one minute in the future. The task should run the date command and redirect its output to the /home/devops/my_at_date_time file. Use the unique: true option to ensure that if the command already exists in the at queue, a new task is not added.

    - name: How to use AT on a task
      hosts: webservers
      become: true
      become_user: devops
        - name: AT task in the future

            command: date >> /home/devops/my_at_date_time
            count: 1
            units: minutes
            unique: true
            state: present
  4. Create the set_default_boot_target_graphical.yml playbook in the working directory. Write a play in the playbook to set the default systemd target to

    - name: Set the default boot target graphical
      hosts: webservers
      become: true
        new_target: ""
        - name: Get current target
            cmd: systemctl get-default
          changed_when: false
          register: default_target
        - name: Change to new target mode
            cmd: systemctl set-default {{ new_target }}
          when: new_target not in default_target.stdout
          become: true

Managing Storage

Mounting Existing File Systems

Use the ansible.posix.mount module to mount an existing file system. The most common parameters are:

  • the path parameter, which specifies the path to mount the file system to
  • the src parameter, which specifies the device (this could be a device name, UUID, or NFS volume)
  • the fstype parameter, which specifies the file system type
  • the state parameter, which accepts the absent, mounted, present, unmounted, or remounted values.

The following example task mounts the NFS share available at on the /nfsshare directory on the managed hosts.

- name: Mount NFS share
    path: /nfsshare
    fstype: nfs
    opts: defaults
    dump: '0'
    passno: '0'
    state: mounted
Configuring Storage with the Storage System Role

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform provides the system role to configure local storage devices on your managed hosts. It can manage file systems on unpartitioned block devices, and format and create logical volumes on LVM physical volumes based on unpartitioned block devices.

The role formally supports managing file systems and mount entries for two use cases:

  • Unpartitioned devices (whole-device file systems)
  • LVM on unpartitioned whole-device physical volumes

If you have other use cases, then you might need to use other modules and roles to implement them.

Managing a File System on an Unpartitioned Device

To create a file system on an unpartitioned block device with the role, define the storage_volumes variable. The storage_volumes variable contains a list of storage devices to manage.

The following dictionary items are available in the storage_volumes variable:

Table 9.6. Parameters for the storage_volumes Variable

nameThe name of the volume.
typeThis value must be disk.
disksMust be a list of exactly one item; the unpartitioned block device.
mount_pointThe directory on which the file system is mounted.
fstypeThe file system type to use. (xfs, ext4, or swap.)
mount_optionsCustom mount options, such as ro or rw.

The following example play creates an XFS file system on the /dev/vdg device, and mounts it on /opt/extra.

- name: Example of a simple storage device
  hosts: all

    - name:
        - name: extra
          type: disk
            - /dev/vdg
          fs_type: xfs
          mount_point: /opt/extra
Managing LVM with the Storage Role

To create an LVM volume group with the role, define the storage_pools variable. The storage_pools variable contains a list of pools (LVM volume groups) to manage.

The dictionary items inside the storage_pools variable are used as follows:

  • The name variable is the name of the volume group.
  • The type variable must have the value lvm.
  • The disks variable is the list of block devices that the volume group uses for its storage.
  • The volumes variable is the list of logical volumes in the volume group.

The following entry creates the volume group vg01 with the type key set to the value lvm. The volume group’s physical volume is the /dev/vdb disk.

- name: Configure storage on webservers
  hosts: webservers

    - name:
        - name: vg01
          type: lvm
            - /dev/vdb

The disks option only supports unpartitioned block devices for your LVM physical volumes.

To create logical volumes, populate the volumes variable, nested under the storage_pools variable, with a list of logical volume names and their parameters. Each item in the list is a dictionary that represents a single logical volume within the storage_pools variable.

Each logical volume list item has the following dictionary variables:

  • name: The name of the logical volume.
  • size: The size of the logical volume.
  • mount_point: The directory used as the mount point for the logical volume’s file system.
  • fs_type: The logical volume’s file system type.
  • state: Whether the logical volume should exist using the present or absent values.

The following example creates two logical volumes, named lvol01 and lvol02. The lvol01 logical volume is 128 MB in size, formatted with the xfs file system, and is mounted at /data. The lvol02 logical volume is 256 MB in size, formatted with the xfs file system, and is mounted at /backup.

- name: Configure storage on webservers
  hosts: webservers

    - name:
        - name: vg01
          type: lvm
            - /dev/vdb
            - name: lvol01
              size: 128m
              mount_point: "/data"
              fs_type: xfs
              state: present
            - name: lvol02
              size: 256m
              mount_point: "/backup"
              fs_type: xfs
              state: present

In the following example entry, if the lvol01 logical volume is already created with a size of 128 MB, then the logical volume and file system are enlarged to 256 MB, assuming that the space is available within the volume group.

            - name: lvol01
              size: 256m
              mount_point: "/data"
              fs_type: xfs
              state: present
Configuring Swap Space

You can use the role to create logical volumes that are formatted as swap spaces. The role creates the logical volume, the swap file system type, adds the swap volume to the /etc/fstab file, and enables the swap volume immediately.

The following playbook example creates the lvswap logical volume in the vgswap volume group, adds the swap volume to the /etc/fstab file, and enables the swap space.

- name: Configure a swap volume
  hosts: all

    - name:
        - name: vgswap
          type: lvm
            - /dev/vdb
            - name: lvswap
              size: 512m
              fs_type: swap
              state: present
Managing Partitions and File Systems with Tasks

You can manage partitions and file systems on your storage devices without using the system role. However, the most convenient modules for doing this are currently unsupported by Red Hat, which can make this more complicated.

Managing Partitions

If you want to partition your storage devices without using the system role, your options are a bit more complex.

  • The unsupported community.general.parted module in the community.general Ansible Content Collection can perform this task.
  • You can use the ansible.builtin.command module to run the partitioning commands on the managed hosts. However, you need to take special care to make sure the commands are idempotent and do not inadvertently destroy data on your existing storage devices.

For example, the following task creates a GPT disk label and a /dev/sda1 partition on the /dev/sda storage device only if /dev/sda1 does not already exist:

- name: Ensure that /dev/sda1 exists
    cmd: parted --script mklabel gpt mkpart primary 1MiB 100%
    creates: /dev/sda1

This depends on the fact that if the /dev/sda1 partition exists, then a Linux system creates a /dev/sda1 device file for it automatically.

Managing File Systems

The easiest way to manage file systems without using the system role might be the community.general.filesystem module. However, Red Hat does not support this module, so you use it at your own risk.

As an alternative, you can use the ansible.builtin.command module to run commands to format file systems. However, you should use some mechanism to make sure that the device you are formatting does not already contain a file system, to ensure idempotency of your play, and to avoid accidental data loss. One way to do that might be to review storage-related facts gathered by Ansible to determine if a device appears to be formatted with a file system.

Ansible Facts for Storage Configuration

Ansible facts gathered by ansible.builtin.setup contain useful information about the storage devices on your managed hosts.

Facts about Block Devices

The ansible_facts['devices'] fact includes information about all the storage devices available on the managed host. This includes additional information such as the partitions on each device, or each device’s total size.

The following playbook gathers and displays the ansible_facts['devices'] fact for each managed host.

- name: Display storage facts
  hosts: all

    - name: Display device facts
        var: ansible_facts['devices']

This fact contains a dictionary of variables named for the devices on the system. Each named device variable itself has a dictionary of variables for its value, which represent information about the device. For example, if you have the /dev/sda device on your system, you can use the following Jinja2 expression (all on one line) to determine its size in bytes:

{{ ansible_facts['devices']['sda']['sectors'] * ansible_facts['devices']['sda']['sectorsize'] }}

Table 9.7. Selected Facts from a Device Variable Dictionary

hostA string that identifies the controller to which the block device is connected.
modelA string that identifies the model of the storage device, if applicable.
partitionsA dictionary of block devices that are partitions on this device. Each dictionary variable has as its value a dictionary structured like any other device (including values for sectors, size, and so on).
sectorsThe number of storage sectors the device contains.
sectorsizeThe size of each sector in bytes.
sizeA human-readable rough calculation of the device size.

For example, you could find the size of /dev/sda1 from the following fact:

Facts about Device Links

The ansible_facts['device_links'] fact includes all the links available for each storage device. If you have multipath devices, you can use this to help determine which devices are alternative paths to the same storage device, or are multipath devices.

The following playbook gathers and displays the ansible_['device_links'] fact for all managed hosts.

- name: Gather device link facts
  hosts: all

    - name: Display device link facts
        var: ansible_facts['device_links']
Facts about Mounted File Systems

The ansible_facts['mounts'] fact provides information about the currently mounted devices on the managed host. For each device, this includes the mounted block device, its file system’s mount point, mount options, and so on.

The following playbook gathers and displays the ansible_facts['mounts'] fact for managed hosts.

- name: Gather mounts
  hosts: all

    - name: Display mounts facts
        var: ansible_facts['mounts']

The fact contains a list of dictionaries for each mounted file system on the managed host.

Table 9.8. Selected Variables from the Dictionary in a Mounted File System List Item

mountThe directory on which this file system is mounted.
deviceThe name of the block device that is mounted.
fstypeThe type of file system the device is formatted with (such as xfs).
optionsThe current mount options in effect.
size_totalThe total size of the device.
size_availableHow much space is free on the device.
block_sizeThe size of blocks on the file system.
block_totalHow many blocks are in the file system.
block_availableHow many blocks are free in the file system.
inode_availableHow many inodes are free in the file system.

For example, you can determine the free space on the root (/) file system on each managed host with the following play:

- name: Print free space on / file system
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: true 

    - name: Display free space
        msg: >
          The root file system on {{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }} has
          {{ item['block_available'] * item['block_size'] / 1000000 }}
          megabytes free. 
      loop: "{{ ansible_facts['mounts'] }}" 
      when: item['mount'] == '/' 

mount - Control active and configured mount points — Ansible Documentation

Roles — Ansible Documentation

Managing local storage using RHEL System Roles — Red Hat Documentation



[student@workstation system-storage]$ ll
total 804
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student    192 Oct  7 23:30 ansible.cfg
drwxrwxr-x. 2 student student     22 Oct  7 23:30 collections
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student   1186 Oct  7 23:30 get-storage.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student     37 Oct  7 23:30 inventory
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student 808333 Oct  7 23:30 redhat-rhel_system_roles-1.19.3.tar.gz
[student@workstation system-storage]$ cat ansible.cfg 


[student@workstation system-storage]$ cat get-storage.yml 
- name: View storage configuration
  hosts: webservers


    - name: Retrieve physical volumes
      ansible.builtin.command: pvs
      register: pv_output

    - name: Display physical volumes
        msg: "{{ pv_output['stdout_lines'] }}"

    - name: Retrieve volume groups
      ansible.builtin.command: vgs
      register: vg_output

    - name: Display volume groups
        msg: "{{ vg_output['stdout_lines'] }}"

    - name: Retrieve logical volumes
      ansible.builtin.command: lvs
      register: lv_output

    - name: Display logical volumes
        msg: "{{ lv_output['stdout_lines'] }}"

    - name: Retrieve mounted logical volumes "mount | grep lv"
      register: mount_output

    - name: Display mounted logical volumes
        msg: "{{ mount_output['stdout_lines'] }}"

    - name: Retrieve /etc/fstab contents
      ansible.builtin.command: cat /etc/fstab
      register: fstab_output

    - name: Display /etc/fstab contents
        msg: "{{ fstab_output['stdout_lines'] }}"

[student@workstation system-storage]$ cat inventory 

[student@workstation system-storage]$ ll collections/
total 0

Write a playbook to:

  • Use the /dev/vdb device as an LVM physical volume, contributing space to the volume group apache-vg.
  • Create two logical volumes named content-lv (64 MB in size) and logs-lv (128 MB in size), both backed by the apache-vg volume group.
  • Create an XFS file system on both logical volumes.
  • Mount the content-lv logical volume on the /var/www directory.
  • Mount the logs-lv logical volume on the /var/log/httpd directory.
- name: Managing storage via role
  hosts: webservers

    - name:
        - name: apache-vg
          type: lvm
            - /dev/vdb
            - name: content-lv
              size: 64m
              fs_type: xfs
              mount_point: "/var/www"
              state: present
            - name: logs-lv
              size: 128m
              fs_type: xfs
              mount_point: "/var/log/httpd"
              state: present

Run the get-storage.yml playbook provided in the project directory to verify that the storage has been properly configured on the managed hosts in the webservers group.

[student@workstation system-storage]$ ansible-navigator run -m stdout get-storage.yml 

PLAY [View storage configuration] **********************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Retrieve physical volumes] ***********************************************
changed: []

TASK [Display physical volumes] ************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
        "  PV         VG        Fmt  Attr PSize    PFree  ",
        "  /dev/vdb   apache-vg lvm2 a--  1020.00m 828.00m"

TASK [Retrieve volume groups] **************************************************
changed: []

TASK [Display volume groups] ***************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
        "  VG        #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize    VFree  ",
        "  apache-vg   1   2   0 wz--n- 1020.00m 828.00m"

TASK [Retrieve logical volumes] ************************************************
changed: []

TASK [Display logical volumes] *************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
        "  LV         VG        Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert",
        "  content-lv apache-vg -wi-ao----  64.00m                                                    ",
        "  logs-lv    apache-vg -wi-ao---- 128.00m                                                    "

TASK [Retrieve mounted logical volumes] ****************************************
changed: []

TASK [Display mounted logical volumes] *****************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
        "/dev/mapper/apache--vg-content--lv on /var/www type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota)",
        "/dev/mapper/apache--vg-logs--lv on /var/log/httpd type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota)"

TASK [Retrieve /etc/fstab contents] ********************************************
changed: []

TASK [Display /etc/fstab contents] *********************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
        "/dev/mapper/apache--vg-content--lv /var/www xfs defaults 0 0",
        "/dev/mapper/apache--vg-logs--lv /var/log/httpd xfs defaults 0 0"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************    : ok=11   changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Managing Network Configuration

Configuring Networking with the Network System Role

The system role provides a way to automate the configuration of network interfaces and network-related settings on Red Hat Enterprise Linux managed hosts.

This role supports the configuration of Ethernet interfaces, bridge interfaces, bonded interfaces, VLAN interfaces, MACVLAN interfaces, InfiniBand interfaces, and wireless interfaces.

The role is configured by using two variables: network_provider and network_connections.

network_provider: nm
  - name: ens4
    type: ethernet

The network_provider variable configures the back-end provider,

  • nm (NetworkManager) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and later.

  • initscripts on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 systems in Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS), that provider requires that the legacy network service is available on the managed hosts.

The network_connections variable configures the different connections. It takes as a value a list of dictionaries, each of which represents settings for a specific connection. Use the interface name as the connection name.

The following table lists the options for the network_connections variable.

Table 9.9. Selected Options for the network_connections Variable

Option nameDescription
nameFor NetworkManager, identifies the connection profile (the option). For initscripts, identifies the configuration file name (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*name*).
stateThe runtime state of a connection profile. Either up, if the connection profile is active, or down if it is not.
persistent_stateIdentifies if a connection profile is persistent. Either present if the connection profile is persistent (the default), or absent if it is not.
typeIdentifies the connection type. Valid values are ethernet, bridge, bond, team, vlan, macvlan, infiniband, and wireless.
autoconnectDetermines if the connection automatically starts. Set to yes by default.
macRestricts the connection to be used on devices with this specific MAC address.
interface_nameRestricts the connection profile to be used by a specific interface.
zoneConfigures the firewalld zone for the interface.
ipDetermines the IP configuration for the connection. Supports the options address to specify a list of static IPv4 or IPv6 addresses on the interface, gateway4 or gateway6 to specify the IPv4 or IPv6 default router, and dns to configure a list of DNS servers.

The ip variable in turn takes a dictionary of variables for its settings. Not all of these need to be used. A connection might just have an address setting with a single IPv4 address, or it might skip the address setting and have dhcp4: yes set to enable DHCPv4 addressing.

Table 9.10. Selected Options for the ip Variable

Option nameDescription
addressA list of static IPv4 or IPv6 addresses and netmask prefixes for the connection.
gateway4Sets a static address of the default IPv4 router.
gateway6Sets a static address of the default IPv6 router.
dnsA list of DNS name servers for the connection.
dhcp4Use DHCPv4 to configure the interface.
auto6Use IPv6 autoconfiguration to configure the interface.

This is a minimal example network_connections variable to configure and immediately activate a static IPv4 address for the enp1s0 interface:

- name: enp1s0
  type: ethernet
  state: up

If you were dynamically configuring the interface using DHCP and SLAAC, you might use the following settings instead:

- name: enp1s0
  type: ethernet
    dhcp4: true
    auto6: true
  state: up

The next example temporarily deactivates an existing network interface:

- name: enp1s0
  type: ethernet
  state: down

To delete the configuration for enp1s0 entirely, you would write the variable as follows:

- name: enp1s0
  type: ethernet
  state: down
  persistent_state: absent

The following example uses some of these options to set up the interface eth0 with a static IPv4 address, set a static DNS name server, and place the interface in the external zone for firewalld:

- name: eth0 
    persistent_state: present  
    type: ethernet  
    autoconnect: yes  
    mac: 00:00:5e:00:53:5d  
    zone: external  

The following example play sets network_connections as a play variable and then calls the role:

- name: NIC Configuration
  hosts: webservers
      - name: ens4
        type: ethernet

You can specify variables for the network role with the vars clause, as in the previous example, as role variables. Alternatively, you can create a YAML file with those variables under the group_vars or host_vars directories, depending on your use case.

You can use this role to set up 802.11 wireless connections, VLANs, bridges, and other more complex network configurations. See the role’s documentation for more details and examples.

Configuring Networking with Modules

In addition to the system role, Ansible includes modules that support the configuration of the hostname and firewall on a system.

The ansible.builtin.hostname module sets the hostname for a managed host without modifying the /etc/hosts file. This module uses the name parameter to specify the new hostname, as in the following task:

- name: Change hostname
    name: managedhost1

The ansible.posix.firewalld module supports the management of firewalld on managed hosts.

This module supports the configuration of firewalld rules for services and ports. It also supports the zone management, including the association or network interfaces and rules to a specific zone.

The following task shows how to create a firewalld rule for the http service on the default zone (public). The following task configures the rule as permanent, and makes sure it is active:

- name: Enabling http rule
    service: http
    permanent: true
    state: enabled

This following task configures the eth0 in the external firewalld zone:

- name: Moving eth0 to external
    zone: external
    interface: eth0
    permanent: true
    state: enabled

The following table lists some parameters for the ansible.posix.firewalld module.

Parameter nameDescription
interfaceInterface name to manage with firewalld.
portPort or port range. Uses the port/protocol or port-port/protocol format.
rich_ruleRich rule for firewalld.
serviceService name to manage with firewalld.
sourceSource network to manage with firewalld.
zonefirewalld zone.
stateEnable or disable a firewalld configuration.
typeType of device or network connection.
permanentChange persists across reboots.
immediateIf the changes are set to permanent, then apply them immediately.
Ansible Facts for Network Configuration

Ansible collects a number of facts that are related to each managed host’s network configuration. For example, a list of the network interfaces on a managed host are available in the ansible_facts['interfaces'] fact.

The following playbook gathers and displays the available interfaces for a host:

- name: Obtain interface facts

    - name: Display interface facts
        var: ansible_facts['interfaces']

The preceding playbook produces the following list of the network interfaces:

PLAY [Obtain interface facts] **************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Display interface facts] *************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "ansible_facts['interfaces']": [

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************    : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The output in the previous example shows that four network interfaces are available on the managed host: lo, eth2, eth1, and eth0.

You can retrieve additional information about the configuration for a specific network interface from the ansible_facts['*NIC_name*'] fact. For example, the following play displays the configuration for the eth0 network interface by printing the value of the ansible_facts['eth0'] fact.

- name: Obtain eth0 facts

    - name: Display eth0 facts
        var: ansible_facts['eth0']

The preceding playbook produces the following output:

PLAY [Obtain eth0 facts] *******************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Display eth0 facts] ******************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "ansible_facts['eth0']": {
        "active": true,
        "device": "eth0",
        "features": {
...output omitted...
        "hw_timestamp_filters": [],
        "ipv4": {
            "address": "",
            "broadcast": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "network": "",
            "prefix": "24"
        "ipv6": [
                "address": "fe80::82a0:2335:d88a:d08f",
                "prefix": "64",
                "scope": "link"
        "macaddress": "52:54:00:00:fa:0a",
        "module": "virtio_net",
        "mtu": 1500,
        "pciid": "virtio0",
        "promisc": false,
        "speed": -1,
        "timestamping": [],
        "type": "ether"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************    : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The preceding output displays additional configuration details, such as the IP address configuration both for IPv4 and IPv6, the associated device, and the type of interface.

The following table lists some other useful network-related facts.

Fact nameDescription
ansible_facts['dns']A list of the DNS name server IP addresses and the search domains.
ansible_facts['domain']The subdomain for the managed host.
ansible_facts['all_ipv4_addresses']All the IPv4 addresses configured on the managed host.
ansible_facts['all_ipv6_addresses']All the IPv6 addresses configured on the managed host.
ansible_facts['fqdn']The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the managed host.
ansible_facts['hostname']The unqualified hostname (the part of the hostname before the first period in the FQDN).
ansible_facts['nodename']The hostname of the managed host as reported by the system.


Ansible also provides the inventory_hostname “magic variable” which includes the hostname as configured in the Ansible inventory file.


Knowledgebase: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) System Roles

Linux System Roles

linux-system-roles/network at GitHub

ansible.builtin.hostname Module Documentation

ansible.posix.firewalld Module Documentation

nmcli usage

[student@workstation system-network]$ ll
total 804
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student    236 Oct  8 01:36 ansible.cfg
drwxrwxr-x. 2 student student     22 Oct  8 01:36 collections
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student    180 Oct  8 01:36 get-eth1.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student     37 Oct  8 01:36 inventory
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student 808333 Oct  8 01:36 redhat-rhel_system_roles-1.19.3.tar.gz
[student@workstation system-network]$ cat ansible.cfg 
remote_user = devops
inventory = ./inventory

[student@workstation system-network]$ cat inventory 
[student@workstation system-network]$ 
[student@workstation system-network]$ ll collections/
total 0
[student@workstation system-network]$ cat get-eth1.yml 
- name: Obtain network info for webservers
  hosts: webservers


    - name: Display eth1 info
        var: ansible_facts['eth1']['ipv4']

Install the redhat.rhel_system_roles Ansible Content Collection from the redhat-rhel_system_roles-1.19.3.tar.gz file to the collections directory in the project directory.

Create a playbook that uses the role to configure the network interface eth1 on with the IP address and network prefix.

  • Create a new variable file named network_config.yml in the group_vars/webservers directory to define the network_connections role variable for the webservers group.

  • The value of that variable must configure a network connection for the eth1 network interface that assigns it the static IP address and network prefix

# network.yml
- name: Configure network via system role
  hosts: webservers

    - name:
# network_config.yml under group_vars/webservers
network_provider: nm
  - name: eth1
    type: ethernet

Check result:

[student@workstation system-network]$ ansible-navigator run -m stdout get-eth1.yml 

PLAY [Obtain network info for webservers] **************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Display eth1 info] *******************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "ansible_facts['eth1']['ipv4']": {
        "address": "",
        "broadcast": "",
        "netmask": "",
        "network": "",
        "prefix": "24"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************    : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Chapter 9 Example

Create playbooks for configuring a software repository, users and groups, logical volumes, cron jobs, and additional network interfaces on a managed host.


[student@workstation system-review]$ ll
total 800
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student    236 Oct  8 22:26 ansible.cfg
drwxrwxr-x. 2 student student     22 Oct  8 22:26 collections
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student     37 Oct  8 22:26 inventory
-rw-r--r--. 1 student student 808333 Oct  8 22:26 redhat-rhel_system_roles-1.19.3.tar.gz

[student@workstation system-review]$ cat ansible.cfg 
remote_user = devops
inventory = ./inventory

[student@workstation system-review]$ 
[student@workstation system-review]$ cat inventory 

[student@workstation system-review]$ ll collections/
total 0
[student@workstation system-review]$ cat repo_playbook.yml 
- name: Installing software from YUM
  hosts: webservers
    package: rhelver
    - name: Configing the YUM repository and install packages
        file: example
        name: example-internal
        description: Example Inc. Internal YUM repo
        enabled: true
        gpgcheck: true
        state: present

    - name: Ensure Repo RPM key is installed
        state: present

    - name: Installing the package
        name: "{{ package }}"
        state: present

    - name: Gather information about the package
        manager: auto

    - name: Show the package information
        var: ansible_facts['packages'][package]
      when: package in ansible_facts['packages']
[student@workstation system-review]$ cat users.yml 
- name: Creating user group
  hosts: webservers
      - username: ops1
        groups: webadmin
      - username: ops2
        groups: webadmin

    - name: Creating the spcific user group
        name: webadmin
        state: present

    - name: Adding users to group
        name: "{{ item['username'] }}"
        groups: "{{ item['groups'] }}"
        append: true
      loop: "{{ users }}"

    - name: Gather the result
      ansible.builtin.command: "grep webadmin /etc/group"
      register: result

    - name: Show the result
        msg: "{{result['stdout_lines']}}"
[student@workstation system-review]$ cat storage.yml 
- name: Configuring LVM using System Roles
  hosts: webservers

    - name:
        - name: apache-vg
          type: lvm
            - /dev/vdb
            - name: content-lv
              size: 64m
              fs_type: xfs
              mount_point: "/var/www"
              state: present
            - name: logs-lv
              size: 128m
              fs_type: xfs
              mount_point: "/var/log/httpd"
              state: present

    - name: Gathering LVM vol information
        cmd: grep lv /etc/fstab
      register: result

    - name: Show the result
        msg: "{{ result['stdout_lines'] }}"
[student@workstation system-review]$ cat create_crontab_file.yml 
- name: Creating cron jobs
  hosts: webservers

    - name: Scheduling a cron job
        name: Check disk usage
        job: df >> /home/devops/disk_usage
        user: devops
        cron_file: disk_usage
        minute: "*/2"
        hour: 9-16
        weekday: 1-5

    - name: Gather result
        cmd: cat /etc/cron.d/disk_usage
      register: result

    - name: Show result
        msg: "{{ result['stdout_lines'] }}"
[student@workstation system-review]$ cat network_playbook.yml 
- name: Config NIC via system roles
  hosts: webservers
  gather_facts: true
    - name:
      network_provider: nm
        - name: eth1
          type: ethernet

    - name: Gathering netowrk information
    - name: Show the result
        var: ansible_facts['eth1']
  • The ansible.builtin.yum_repository module configures a Yum repository on a managed host. For repositories that use public keys, you can verify that the key is available with the ansible.builtin.rpm_key module.

  • The ansible.builtin.user and modules create users and groups respectively on a managed host.

  • The ansible.builtin.known_hosts module configures SSH known hosts for a server and the ansible.posix.authorized_key modules configures authorized keys for user authentication.

  • The ansible.builtin.cron module configures system or user Cron jobs on managed hosts.

  • The module configures One-off at jobs on managed hosts.

  • The redhat.rhel_system_roles Red Hat Certified Ansible Content Collection includes two particularly useful system roles: storage, which supports the configuration of LVM logical volumes, and network, which enables the configuration of network interfaces and connections.


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