function checkisUrl(tmpString)
dim c,i
checkisUrl = true
if left(tmpString,7)<>"http://" then tmpString="http://"&tmpString
for i = 8 to Len(checkisUrl)
c = Lcase(Mid(tmpString, i, 1))
if InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-./\", c) <= 0 and not IsNumeric(c) then
checkisUrl = false
exit function
end if
if Left(tmpString, 1) = "." or Right(tmpString, 1) = "." then
checkisUrl = false
exit function
end if
if InStr(tmpString, ".") <= 0 then
checkisUrl = false
response.Write "f3"
exit function
end if
if InStr(checkisUrl, "..") > 0 then
checkisUrl = false
end if
end function
if checkisUrl(request("u"))=true then
<%end if%>
function checkisUrl(tmpString)
dim c,i
checkisUrl = true
if left(tmpString,7)<>"http://" then tmpString="http://"&tmpString
for i = 8 to Len(checkisUrl)
c = Lcase(Mid(tmpString, i, 1))
if InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-./\", c) <= 0 and not IsNumeric(c) then
checkisUrl = false
exit function
end if
if Left(tmpString, 1) = "." or Right(tmpString, 1) = "." then
checkisUrl = false
exit function
end if
if InStr(tmpString, ".") <= 0 then
checkisUrl = false
response.Write "f3"
exit function
end if
if InStr(checkisUrl, "..") > 0 then
checkisUrl = false
end if
end function
if checkisUrl(request("u"))=true then
<%end if%>
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