SCala是Java的拓展,在Java的基础上又拓展了一些语法,例如: 输出Hello World
println("HelloWorld") System.out.println("Hello Scala from Java")
package chapter01 /* object: 关键字,声明一个单例对象 */ object HelloWorld { /* main 方法: 从外部可以直接调用执行的方法 def 方法名称(参数名称:参数类型):返回值类型 = {方法体} */ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("HelloWorld") System.out.println("Hello Scala from Java") } }
object : 关键字,声明一个单例对象
main 方法:从外部可以直接调用执行的方法
def 方法名称(参数名称:参数类型) : 返回值类型={方法体}
import scala.io.StdIn; public class Student { private String name; private Integer age; private static String school= "YelloRiwer"; public Student(String name,Integer age){ this.name = name; this.age = age; } public void printInfo(){ System.out.println(this.name+" "+this.age+" "+ Student.school); } public static void main(String[] args){ Student alice = new Student("alice",20); Student bob = new Student("bob",23); alice.printInfo(); bob.printInfo(); } }
alice 20 YelloRiwer bob 23 YelloRiwer
如果我想要静态且不想要他的属性那就需要Scala. 下面这段Scala代码和上面的Java代码一样,但是比Java代码简洁了许多:
package chapter01 class Student(name : String,age:Int) { def printInfo():Unit = { println(name+" "+age+" "+Student.school) } } //引入伴生对象 object Student{ val school:String = "YelloRiwer" def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val alice = new Student("alice",20) val bob = new Student("bob",23) alice.printInfo() bob.printInfo() } }
alice 20 YelloRiwer bob 23 YelloRiwer
IDEA快捷键: 快速格式化: Ctrl + Alt + L
0)回顾:Java 变量和常量语法
变量类型 变量名称 = 初始值 int a = 10 final 常量类型 常量名称 = 初始值 final int b = 20
var 变量名 [: 变量类型] = 初始值 var i:Int = 10 val 常量名 [: 常量类型] = 初始值 val j:Int = 20
package chapter02 import chapter01.Student object Test02_Variable { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 声明一个变量的通用语法 var a: Int = 10 //(1)声明变量时,类型可以省略,编译器自动推导,即类型推导 var a1 = 10 val b1 = 23 //(2)类型确定后,就不能修改,说明Scala是强数据类型语言。 var a2 = 15 // a2类型为Int // a2 = "hello" //(3)变量声明时,必须要有初始值 // var a3: Int //(4)在声明/定义一个变量时,可以使用var或者val来修饰,var修饰的变量可改变,val修饰的变量不可改。 a1 = 12 // b1 = 25 var alice = new Student("alice", 20) alice = new Student("Alice", 20) alice = null val bob = new Student("bob", 23) bob.age = 24 bob.printInfo() // bob = new Student("bob", 24) } }
package chapter02 object Test03_Identifier { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { //(1)以字母或者下划线开头,后接字母、数字、下划线 val hello: String = "" var Hello123 = "" val _abc = 123 // val h-b = "" // val 123abc = 234 //(2)以操作符开头,且只包含操作符(+ - * / # !等) val -+/% = "hello" println(-+/%) //(3)用反引号`....`包括的任意字符串,即使是Scala关键字(39个)也可以 val `if` = "if" println(`if`) } }
package chapter02 object Test04_String { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { //(1)字符串,通过+号连接 val name: String = "alice" val age: Int = 18 println(age + "岁的" + name + "在尚硅谷学习") // *用于将一个字符串复制多次并拼接 println(name * 3) //(2)printf用法:字符串,通过%传值。 printf("%d岁的%s在尚硅谷学习", age, name) println() //(3)字符串模板(插值字符串):通过$获取变量值 println(s"${age}岁的${name}在尚硅谷学习") val num: Double = 2.3456 println(f"The num is ${num}%2.2f") // 格式化模板字符串 println(raw"The num is ${num}%2.2f") // 三引号表示字符串,保持多行字符串的原格式输出 val sql = s""" |select * |from | student |where | name = ${name} |and | age > ${age} |""".stripMargin println(sql) } }
println() printf() System.out.println()
printf("%d岁的%s在尚硅谷学习", age, name)
package chapter02 import scala.io.StdIn object Test05_StdIn { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 输入信息 println("请输入您的大名:") val name: String = StdIn.readLine() println("请输入您的芳龄:") val age: Int = StdIn.readInt() // 控制台打印输出 println(s"欢迎${age}岁的${name}来到尚硅谷学习") } }
package chapter02 import java.io.{File, PrintWriter} import scala.io.Source object Test06_FileIO { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 从文件中读取数据 Source.fromFile("src/main/resources/test.txt").foreach(print) // 2. 将数据写入文件 val writer = new PrintWriter(new File("src/main/resources/output.txt")) writer.write("hello scala from java writer") writer.close() } }
package chapter02 import chapter01.Student object Test07_DataType { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 整数类型 val a1: Byte = 127 val a2: Byte = -128 // val a2: Byte = 128 // error val a3 = 12 // 整数默认类型为Int val a4: Long = 1324135436436L // 长整型数值定义 val b1: Byte = 10 val b2: Byte = 10 + 20 println(b2) // val b3: Byte = b1 + 20 val b3: Byte = (b1 + 20).toByte println(b3) // 2. 浮点类型 val f1: Float = 1.2345f val d1 = 34.2245 // 3. 字符类型 val c1: Char = 'a' println(c1) val c2: Char = '9' println(c2) // 控制字符 val c3: Char = '\t' // 制表符 val c4: Char = '\n' // 换行符 println("abc" + c3 + "def") println("abc" + c4 + "def") // 转义字符 val c5 = '\\' // 表示\自身 val c6 = '\"' // 表示" println("abc" + c5 + "def") println("abc" + c6 + "def") // 字符变量底层保存ASCII码 val i1: Int = c1 println("i1: " + i1) val i2: Int = c2 println("i2: " + i2) val c7: Char = (i1 + 1).toChar println(c7) val c8: Char = (i2 - 1).toChar println(c8) // 4. 布尔类型 val isTrue: Boolean = true println(isTrue) // 5. 空类型 // 5.1 空值Unit def m1(): Unit = { println("m1被调用执行") } val a: Unit = m1() println("a: " + a) // 5.2 空引用Null // val n: Int = null // error var student: Student = new Student("alice", 20) student = null println(student) // 5.3 Nothing def m2(n: Int): Int = { if (n == 0) throw new NullPointerException else return n } val b: Int = m2(2) println("b: " + b) } }
package chapter02 object Test08_DataTypeConversion { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 自动类型转换 // (1)自动提升原则:有多种类型的数据混合运算时,系统首先自动将所有数据转换成精度大的那种数据类型,然后再进行计算。 val a1: Byte = 10 val b1: Long = 2353 val result1: Long = a1 + b1 val result11: Int = (a1 + b1.toInt) // 强转 // (2)把精度大的数值类型赋值给精度小的数值类型时,就会报错,反之就会进行自动类型转换。 val a2: Byte = 10 val b2: Int = a2 // val c2: Byte = b2 // error // (3)(byte,short)和char之间不会相互自动转换。 val a3: Byte = 10 val b3: Char = 'b' // val c3: Byte = b3 // error val c3: Int = b3 println(c3) // (4)byte,short,char他们三者可以计算,在计算时首先转换为int类型。 val a4: Byte = 12 val b4: Short = 25 val c4: Char = 'c' val result4: Int = a4 + b4 val result44: Int = a4 + b4 + c4 println(result44) // 2. 强制类型转换 // (1)将数据由高精度转换为低精度,就需要使用到强制转换 val n1: Int = -2.9.toInt println("n1: " + n1) // (2)强转符号只针对于最近的操作数有效,往往会使用小括号提升优先级 val n2: Int = 2.6.toInt + 3.7.toInt val n3: Int = (2.6 + 3.7).toInt println("n2: " + n2) println("n3: " + n3) // 3. 数值类型和String类型的转换 // (1) 数值转String val n: Int = 27 val s: String = n + "" println(s) // (2) String转数值 val m: Int = "12".toInt val f: Float = "12.3".toFloat val f2: Int = "12.3".toDouble.toInt println(f2) } }
package chapter02 /* 128: Int类型,占据4个字节,32位 原码 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 补码 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 截取最后一个字节,Byte 得到补码 1000 0000 表示最大负数 -128 130: Int类型,占据4个字节,32位 原码 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0010 补码 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0010 截取最后一个字节,Byte 得到补码 1000 0010 对应原码 1111 1110 -126 */ object Test09_Problem_DataTypeConversion { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var n: Int = 130 val b: Byte = n.toByte println(b) } }
for(i <- 1 until 3) { print(i + " ") } println()
(1)这种方式和前面的区别在于 i 是从 1 到 3-1
需求:输出 5 句 "宋宋,告别海狗人参丸吧"
object TestFor { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { for(i <- 1 until 5 + 1){ println("宋宋,告别海狗人参丸吧" + i) } } }
for(i <- 1 to 3 if i != 2) { print(i + " ") } println()
(1)循环守卫,即循环保护式(也称条件判断式,守卫)。保护式为 true 则进入循环
体内部,为 false 则跳过,类似于 continue。
for (i <- 1 to 3){ if (i != 2) { print(i + " ") } }
需求:输出 1 到 5 中,不等于 3 的值
object TestFor { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { for (i <- 1 to 5 if i != 3) { println(i + "宋宋") } } }
for (i <- 1 to 10 by 2) { println("i=" + i) }
说明:by 表示步长
需求:输出 1 到 10 以内的所有奇数 by表示步长
for (i <- 1 to 10 by 2) { println("i=" + i) }
i=1 i=3 i=5 i=7 i=9
for(i <- 1 to 3; j <- 1 to 3) { println(" i =" + i + " j = " + j) }
for (i <- 1 to 3) { for (j <- 1 to 3) { println("i =" + i + " j=" + j) } }
for(i <- 1 to 3; j = 4 - i) { println("i=" + i + " j=" + j) }
(1)for 推导式一行中有多个表达式时,所以要加 ; 来隔断逻辑
(2)for 推导式有一个不成文的约定:当 for 推导式仅包含单一表达式时使用圆括号,
for { i <- 1 to 3 j = 4 - i } { println("i=" + i + " j=" + j) }
for (i <- 1 to 3) { var j = 4 - i println("i=" + i + " j=" + j) }
val res = for(i <- 1 to 10) yield i println(res)
说明:将遍历过程中处理的结果返回到一个新 Vector 集合中,使用 yield 关键字。
需求:将原数据中所有值乘以 2,并把数据返回到一个新的集合中。
object TestFor { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var res = for(i <-1 to 10) yield { i * 2 } println(res) } }
Vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
1)说明:如果想倒序打印一组数据,可以用 reverse。 2)案例实操: 需求:倒序打印 10 到 1 for(i <- 1 to 10 reverse){ println(i) }
循环变量初始化; while (循环条件) { 循环体(语句) 循环变量迭代 }
(2)while 循环是先判断再执行语句
(3)与 for 语句不同,while 语句没有返回值,即整个 while 语句的结果是 Unit 类型()
(4)因为 while 中没有返回值,所以当要用该语句来计算并返回结果时,就不可避免
的使用变量,而变量需要声明在 while 循环的外部,那么就等同于循环的内部对外部的变量
造成了影响,所以不推荐使用,而是推荐使用 for 循环。
需求:输出 10 句 "宋宋,喜欢海狗人参丸"
object TestWhile { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var i = 0 while (i < 10) { println("宋宋,喜欢海狗人参丸" + i) i += 1 } } }
循环变量初始化; do{ 循环体(语句) 循环变量迭代 } while(循环条件)
(2)do..while 循环是先执行,再判断
需求:输出 10 句 "宋宋,喜欢海狗人参丸"
object TestWhile { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var i = 0 do { println("宋宋,喜欢海狗人参丸" + i) i += 1 } while (i < 10) } }
Scala 内置控制结构特地去掉了 break 和 continue,是为了更好的适应函数式编程,推
控制结构来实现 break 和 continue 功能。
需求 1:采用异常的方式退出循环
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { try { for (elem <- 1 to 10) { println(elem) if (elem == 5) throw new RuntimeException } }catch { case e => } println("正常结束循环") }
需求 2:采用 Scala 自带的函数,退出循环
import scala.util.control.Breaks def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Breaks.breakable( for (elem <- 1 to 10) { println(elem) if (elem == 5) Breaks.break() } ) println("正常结束循环") }
需求 3:对 break 进行省略
import scala.util.control.Breaks._ object TestBreak { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { breakable { for (elem <- 1 to 10) { println(elem) if (elem == 5) break } } println("正常结束循环") } }
需求 4:循环遍历 10 以内的所有数据,奇数打印,偶数跳过(continue)
object TestBreak { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { for (elem <- 1 to 10) { if (elem % 2 == 1) { println(elem) } else { println("continue") } } } }
均可以作为外层循环和内层循环。【建议一般使用两层,最多不要超过 3 层】
(2)设外层循环次数为 m 次,内层为 n 次,则内层循环体实际上需要执行 m*n 次。
object TestWhile { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { for (i <- 1 to 9) { for (j <- 1 to i) { print(j + "*" + i + "=" + (i * j) + "\t") } println() } } }
第5章 函数式编程
行为:登录、连接 JDBC、读取数据库
Scala 语言是一个完全面向对象编程语言。万物皆对象
例如:请求->用户名、密码->连接 JDBC->读取数据库
Scala 语言是一个完全函数式编程语言。万物皆函数。
3)在 Scala 中函数式编程和面向对象编程完美融合在一起了。
5.1 函数基础
5.1.1 函数基本语法
object TestFunction { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // (1)函数定义 def f(arg: String): Unit = { println(arg) } // (2)函数调用 // 函数名(参数) f("hello world") } }
5.1.2 函数和方法的区别
(1)Scala 语言可以在任何的语法结构中声明任何的语法
(3)Scala 中函数可以嵌套定义
object TestFunction { // (2)方法可以进行重载和重写,程序可以执行 def main(): Unit = { } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // (1)Scala 语言可以在任何的语法结构中声明任何的语法 import java.util.Date new Date() // (2)函数没有重载和重写的概念,程序报错 def test(): Unit ={ println("无参,无返回值") } test() def test(name:String):Unit={ println() } //(3)Scala 中函数可以嵌套定义 def test2(): Unit ={ def test3(name:String):Unit={ println("函数可以嵌套定义") } } } }
5.1.3 函数定义
(1)函数 1:无参,无返回值
(2)函数 2:无参,有返回值
(3)函数 3:有参,无返回值
(4)函数 4:有参,有返回值
(5)函数 5:多参,无返回值
(6)函数 6:多参,有返回值
package chapter05 object Test02_FunctionDefine { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // (1)函数1:无参,无返回值 def f1(): Unit = { println("1. 无参,无返回值") } f1() println(f1()) println("=========================") // (2)函数2:无参,有返回值 def f2(): Int = { println("2. 无参,有返回值") return 12 } println(f2()) println("=========================") // (3)函数3:有参,无返回值 def f3(name: String): Unit = { println("3:有参,无返回值 " + name) } println(f3("alice")) println("=========================") // (4)函数4:有参,有返回值 def f4(name: String): String = { println("4:有参,有返回值 " + name) return "hi, " + name } println(f4("alice")) println("=========================") // (5)函数5:多参,无返回值 def f5(name1: String, name2: String): Unit = { println("5:多参,无返回值") println(s"${name1}和${name2}都是我的好朋友") } f5("alice","bob") println("=========================") // (6)函数6:多参,有返回值 def f6(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { println("6:多参,有返回值") return a + b } println(f6(12, 37)) } }
5.1.4 函数参数
package chapter05 object Test03_FunctionParameter { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // (1)可变参数 def f1(str: String*): Unit = { println(str) } f1("alice") f1("aaa", "bbb", "ccc") // (2)如果参数列表中存在多个参数,那么可变参数一般放置在最后 def f2(str1: String, str2: String*): Unit = { println("str1: " + str1 + " str2: " + str2) } f2("alice") f2("aaa", "bbb", "ccc") // (3)参数默认值,一般将有默认值的参数放置在参数列表的后面 def f3(name: String = "atguigu"): Unit = { println("My school is " + name) } f3("school") f3() // (4)带名参数 def f4(name: String = "atguigu", age: Int): Unit = { println(s"${age}岁的${name}在尚硅谷学习") } f4("alice", 20) f4(age = 23, name = "bob") f4(age = 21) } }
5.1.5 函数至简原则(重点)
(1)return 可以省略,Scala 会使用函数体的最后一行代码作为返回值
(4)如果有 return,则不能省略返回值类型,必须指定
(5)如果函数明确声明 unit,那么即使函数体中使用 return 关键字也不起作用
(6)Scala 如果期望是无返回值类型,可以省略等号
package chapter05 // 函数至简原则 object Test04_Simplify { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { def f0(name: String): String = { return name } println(f0("atguigu")) println("==========================") // (1)return可以省略,Scala会使用函数体的最后一行代码作为返回值 def f1(name: String): String = { name } println(f1("atguigu")) println("==========================") // (2)如果函数体只有一行代码,可以省略花括号 def f2(name: String): String = name println(f2("atguigu")) println("==========================") // (3)返回值类型如果能够推断出来,那么可以省略(:和返回值类型一起省略) def f3(name: String) = name println(f3("atguigu")) println("==========================") // (4)如果有return,则不能省略返回值类型,必须指定 // def f4(name: String) = { // return name // } // // println(f4("atguigu")) println("==========================") // (5)如果函数明确声明unit,那么即使函数体中使用return关键字也不起作用 def f5(name: String): Unit = { return name } println(f5("atguigu")) println("==========================") // (6)Scala如果期望是无返回值类型,可以省略等号 def f6(name: String) { println(name) } println(f6("atguigu")) println("==========================") // (7)如果函数无参,但是声明了参数列表,那么调用时,小括号,可加可不加 def f7(): Unit = { println("atguigu") } f7() f7 println("==========================") // (8)如果函数没有参数列表,那么小括号可以省略,调用时小括号必须省略 def f8: Unit = { println("atguigu") } // f8() f8 println("==========================") // (9)如果不关心名称,只关心逻辑处理,那么函数名(def)可以省略 def f9(name: String): Unit = { println(name) } // 匿名函数,lambda表达式 (name: String) => { println(name) } println("==========================") } }
package chapter05 object Test05_Lambda { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val fun = (name: String) => { println(name) } fun("atguigu") println("========================") // 定义一个函数,以函数作为参数输入 def f(func: String => Unit): Unit = { func("atguigu") } f(fun) f((name: String) => { println(name) }) println("========================") // 匿名函数的简化原则 // (1)参数的类型可以省略,会根据形参进行自动的推导 f((name) => { println(name) }) // (2)类型省略之后,发现只有一个参数,则圆括号可以省略;其他情况:没有参数和参数超过1的永远不能省略圆括号。 f( name => { println(name) }) // (3)匿名函数如果只有一行,则大括号也可以省略 f( name => println(name) ) // (4)如果参数只出现一次,则参数省略且后面参数可以用_代替 f( println(_) ) // (5) 如果可以推断出,当前传入的println是一个函数体,而不是调用语句,可以直接省略下划线 f( println ) println("=========================") // 实际示例,定义一个”二元运算“函数,只操作1和2两个数,但是具体运算通过参数传入 def dualFunctionOneAndTwo(fun: (Int, Int)=>Int): Int = { fun(1, 2) } val add = (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b val minus = (a: Int, b: Int) => a - b println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo(add)) println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo(minus)) // 匿名函数简化 println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo((a: Int, b: Int) => a + b)) println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo((a: Int, b: Int) => a - b)) println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo((a, b) => a + b)) println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo( _ + _)) println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo( _ - _)) println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo((a, b) => b - a)) println(dualFunctionOneAndTwo( -_ + _)) } }
5.2 高级函数
5.2.1 高阶函数
package chapter05 object Test06_HighOrderFunction { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { def f(n: Int): Int = { println("f调用") n + 1 } def fun(): Int = { println("fun调用") 1 } val result: Int = f(123) println(result) // 1. 函数作为值进行传递 val f1: Int=>Int = f val f2 = f _ println(f1) println(f1(12)) println(f2) println(f2(35)) val f3: ()=>Int = fun val f4 = fun _ println(f3) println(f4) // 2. 函数作为参数进行传递 // 定义二元计算函数 def dualEval(op: (Int, Int)=>Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int = { op(a, b) } def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { a + b } println(dualEval(add, 12, 35)) println(dualEval((a, b) => a + b, 12, 35)) println(dualEval(_ + _, 12, 35)) // 3. 函数作为函数的返回值返回 def f5(): Int=>Unit = { def f6(a: Int): Unit = { println("f6调用 " + a) } f6 // 将函数直接返回 } // val f6 = f5() // println(f6) // println(f6(25)) println(f5()(25)) } }
5.2.2 高阶函数2
val array = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) val squared = for (elem <- array) yield elem * elem // 平方每个元素 // squared 现在是 Vector(1, 4, 9, 16, 25) println(squared) // 如果你想要一个List而不是Vector val squaredList = (for (elem <- array) yield elem * elem).toList println(squaredList) // List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25)
package chapter05 object Test07_Practice_CollectionOperation { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val arr: Array[Int] = Array(12, 45, 75, 98) // 对数组进行处理,将操作抽象出来,处理完毕之后的结果返回一个新的数组 def arrayOperation(array: Array[Int], op: Int=>Int): Array[Int] = { for (elem <- array) yield op(elem) } // 定义一个加一操作 def addOne(elem: Int): Int = { elem + 1 } // 调用函数 val newArray: Array[Int] = arrayOperation(arr, addOne) println(newArray.mkString(",")) // 传入匿名函数,实现元素翻倍 val newArray2 = arrayOperation(arr, _ * 2) //val newArray2 = arrayOperation(arr, elem => el* 2) println(newArray2.mkString(", ")) } }
5.2.3 高阶函数练习
package chapter05 object Test08_Practice { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 练习1 val fun = (i: Int, s: String, c: Char) => { if (i == 0 && s == "" && c == '0') false else true } println(fun(0, "", '0')) println(fun(0, "", '1')) println(fun(23, "", '0')) println(fun(0, "hello", '0')) println("===========================") // 2. 练习2 def func(i: Int): String=>(Char=>Boolean) = { def f1(s: String): Char=>Boolean = { def f2(c: Char): Boolean = { if (i == 0 && s == "" && c == '0') false else true } f2 } f1 } println(func(0)("")('0')) println(func(0)("")('1')) println(func(23)("")('0')) println(func(0)("hello")('0')) // 匿名函数简写 def func1(i: Int): String=>(Char=>Boolean) = { s => c => if (i == 0 && s == "" && c == '0') false else true } println(func1(0)("")('0')) println(func1(0)("")('1')) println(func1(23)("")('0')) println(func1(0)("hello")('0')) // 柯里化 def func2(i: Int)(s: String)(c: Char): Boolean = { if (i == 0 && s == "" && c == '0') false else true } println(func2(0)("")('0')) println(func2(0)("")('1')) println(func2(23)("")('0')) println(func2(0)("hello")('0')) } }
5.2.4 柯里化和闭包
package chapter05 object Test09_ClosureAndCurrying { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { a + b } // 1. 考虑固定一个加数的场景 def addByFour(b: Int): Int = { 4 + b } // 2. 扩展固定加数改变的情况 def addByFive(b: Int): Int = { 5 + b } // 3. 将固定加数作为另一个参数传入,但是是作为”第一层参数“传入 def addByFour1(): Int=>Int = { val a = 4 def addB(b: Int): Int = { a + b } addB } def addByA(a: Int): Int=>Int = { def addB(b: Int): Int = { a + b } addB } println(addByA(35)(24)) val addByFour2 = addByA(4) val addByFive2 = addByA(5) println(addByFour2(13)) println(addByFive2(25)) // 4. lambda表达式简写 def addByA1(a: Int): Int=>Int = { (b: Int) => { a + b } } def addByA2(a: Int): Int=>Int = { b => a + b } def addByA3(a: Int): Int=>Int = a + _ val addByFour3 = addByA3(4) val addByFive3 = addByA3(5) println(addByFour3(13)) println(addByFive3(25)) // 5. 柯里化 def addCurrying(a: Int)(b: Int): Int = { a + b } println(addCurrying(35)(24)) } }
5.2.5 递归
package chapter05 import scala.annotation.tailrec object Test10_Recursion { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(fact(5)) println(tailFact(5)) } // 递归实现计算阶乘 def fact(n: Int): Int = { if (n == 0) return 1 fact(n - 1) * n } // 尾递归实现 def tailFact(n: Int): Int = { @tailrec def loop(n: Int, currRes: Int): Int = { if (n == 0) return currRes loop(n - 1, currRes * n) } loop(n, 1) } }
package chapter05 object Test11_ControlAbstraction { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 传值参数 def f0(a: Int): Unit = { println("a: " + a) println("a: " + a) } f0(23) def f1(): Int = { println("f1调用") 12 } f0(f1()) println("========================") // 2. 传名参数,传递的不再是具体的值,而是代码块 def f2(a: =>Int): Unit = { println("a: " + a) println("a: " + a) } f2(23) f2(f1()) f2({ println("这是一个代码块") 29 }) } }
package chapter05 object Test12_MyWhile { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var n = 10 // 1. 常规的while循环 while (n >= 1){ println(n) n -= 1 } // 2. 用闭包实现一个函数,将代码块作为参数传入,递归调用 def myWhile(condition: =>Boolean): (=>Unit)=>Unit = { // 内层函数需要递归调用,参数就是循环体 def doLoop(op: =>Unit): Unit = { if (condition){ op myWhile(condition)(op) } } doLoop _ } println("=================") n = 10 myWhile(n >= 1){ println(n) n -= 1 } // 3. 用匿名函数实现 def myWhile2(condition: =>Boolean): (=>Unit)=>Unit = { // 内层函数需要递归调用,参数就是循环体 op => { if (condition){ op myWhile2(condition)(op) } } } println("=================") n = 10 myWhile2(n >= 1){ println(n) n -= 1 } // 3. 用柯里化实现 def myWhile3(condition: =>Boolean)(op: =>Unit): Unit = { if (condition){ op myWhile3(condition)(op) } } println("=================") n = 10 myWhile3(n >= 1){ println(n) n -= 1 } } }
5.2.6 惰性函数(懒加载)
package chapter05 object Test13_Lazy { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { lazy val result: Int = sum(13, 47) println("1. 函数调用") println("2. result = " + result) println("4. result = " + result) } def sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { println("3. sum调用") a + b } }
第6章 面向对象
6.1 scala类
6.1.1 包的命名
package com{ import com.atguigu.scala.Inner // 在外层包中定义单例对象 object Outer{ var out: String = "out" def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(Inner.in) } } package atguigu{ package scala{ // 内层包中定义单例对象 object Inner{ var in: String = "in" def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(Outer.out) Outer.out = "outer" println(Outer.out) } } } } } // 在同一文件中定义不同的包 package aaa{ package bbb{ object Test01_Package{ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { import com.atguigu.scala.Inner println(Inner.in) } } } }
6.1.2 包说明(包语句)
6.1.3 包对象
package object chapter06 { val commonValue = "Yello River" def commonMethod() = { println(s"我们在${commonValue}学习") } }
6.1.4 导包说明
6.2 类和对象
6.2.1 定义类
package chapter06 import scala.beans.BeanProperty object Test03_Class { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 创建一个对象 val student = new Student() // student.name // error, 不能访问private属性 println(student.age) println(student.sex) student.sex = "female" println(student.sex) } } // 定义一个类 class Student { // 定义属性 private var name: String = "alice" @BeanProperty var age: Int = _ var sex: String = _ }
6.2.2 属性
6.3 封装
6.1.1 封装
package chapter06 object Test04_Access { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 创建对象 val person: Person = new Person() // person.idCard // error // person.name // error println(person.age) println(person.sex) person.printInfo() var worker: Worker = new Worker() // worker = new Worker() // worker.age = 23 worker.printInfo() } } // 定义一个子类 class Worker extends Person { override def printInfo(): Unit = { // println(idCard) // error name = "bob" age = 25 sex = "male" println(s"Worker: $name $sex $age") } }
package chapter06 object Test04_ClassForAccess { } // 定义一个父类 class Person { private var idCard: String = "3523566" protected var name: String = "alice" var sex: String = "female" private[chapter06] var age: Int = 18 def printInfo(): Unit = { println(s"Person: $idCard $name $sex $age") } }
class Worker extends Perison{} #里面的extends是继承的意思,Worker继承Persion
override def printInfo(): Unit = {} #里的override是重写的意思,重写printInfo方法
6.2.5 构造器
package chapter06 object Test05_Constructor { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student1 = new Student1 student1.Student1() val student2 = new Student1("alice") val student3 = new Student1("bob", 25) } } // 定义一个类 class Student1() { // 定义属性 var name: String = _ var age: Int = _ println("1. 主构造方法被调用") // 声明辅助构造方法 def this(name: String) { this() // 直接调用主构造器 println("2. 辅助构造方法一被调用") this.name = name println(s"name: $name age: $age") } def this(name: String, age: Int){ this(name) println("3. 辅助构造方法二被调用") this.age = age println(s"name: $name age: $age") } def Student1(): Unit = { println("一般方法被调用") } }
package chapter06 object Test05_Constructor { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student1 = new Student1 student1.Student1() val student2 = new Student1("alice") val student3 = new Student1("bob", 25) } } // 定义一个类 class Student1() { // 定义属性 var name: String = _ var age: Int = _ println("1. 主构造方法被调用") // 声明辅助构造方法 def this(name: String) { this() // 直接调用主构造器 println("2. 辅助构造方法一被调用") this.name = name println(s"name: $name age: $age") } def this(name: String, age: Int){ this(name) println("3. 辅助构造方法二被调用") this.age = age println(s"name: $name age: $age") } def Student1(): Unit = { println("一般方法被调用") } }
package chapter06 object Test06_ConstructorParams { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student2 = new Student2 student2.name = "alice" student2.age = 18 println(s"student2: name = ${student2.name}, age = ${student2.age}") val student3 = new Student3("bob", 20) println(s"student3: name = ${student3.name}, age = ${student3.age}") val student4 = new Student4("cary", 25) // println(s"student4: name = ${student4.name}, age = ${student4.age}") student4.printInfo() val student5 = new Student5("bob", 20) println(s"student3: name = ${student5.name}, age = ${student5.age}") student3.age = 21 val student6 = new Student6("cary", 25, "atguigu") println(s"student6: name = ${student6.name}, age = ${student6.age}") student6.printInfo() } } // 定义类 // 无参构造器 class Student2 { // 单独定义属性 var name: String = _ var age: Int = _ } // 上面定义等价于 class Student3(var name: String, var age: Int) // 主构造器参数无修饰 class Student4(name: String, age: Int){ def printInfo(){ println(s"student4: name = ${name}, age = $age") } } //class Student4(_name: String, _age: Int){ // var name: String = _name // var age: Int = _age //} class Student5(val name: String, val age: Int) class Student6(var name: String, var age: Int){ var school: String = _ def this(name: String, age: Int, school: String){ this(name, age) this.school = school } def printInfo(){ println(s"student6: name = ${name}, age = $age, school = $school") } }
6.4.1 继承和多态
package chapter06 object Test07_Inherit { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student1: Student7 = new Student7("alice", 18) val student2 = new Student7("bob", 20, "std001") student1.printInfo() student2.printInfo() val teacher = new Teacher teacher.printInfo() def personInfo(person: Person7): Unit = { person.printInfo() } println("=========================") val person = new Person7 personInfo(student1) personInfo(teacher) personInfo(person) } } // 定义一个父类 class Person7() { var name: String = _ var age: Int = _ println("1. 父类的主构造器调用") def this(name: String, age: Int){ this() println("2. 父类的辅助构造器调用") this.name = name this.age = age } def printInfo(): Unit = { println(s"Person: $name $age") } } // 定义子类 class Student7(name: String, age: Int) extends Person7(name, age) { var stdNo: String = _ println("3. 子类的主构造器调用") def this(name: String, age: Int, stdNo: String){ this(name, age) println("4. 子类的辅助构造器调用") this.stdNo = stdNo } override def printInfo(): Unit = { println(s"Student: $name $age $stdNo") } } class Teacher extends Person7 { override def printInfo(): Unit = { println(s"Teacher") } }
package chapter06 object Test08_DynamicBind { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student: Person8 = new Student8 println(student.name) student.hello() } } class Person8 { val name: String = "person" def hello(): Unit = { println("hello person") } } class Student8 extends Person8 { override val name: String = "student" override def hello(): Unit = { println("hello student") } }
6.5 抽象类
6.5.1 抽象属性和方法
package chapter06 object Test09_AbstractClass { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student = new Student9 student.eat() student.sleep() } } // 定义抽象类 abstract class Person9{ // 非抽象属性 var name: String = "person" // 抽象属性 var age: Int // 非抽象方法 def eat(): Unit = { println("person eat") } // 抽象方法 def sleep(): Unit } // 定义具体的实现子类 class Student9 extends Person9 { // 实现抽象属性和方法 var age: Int = 18 def sleep(): Unit = { println("student sleep") } // 重写非抽象属性和方法 // override val name: String = "student" name = "student" override def eat(): Unit = { super.eat() println("student eat") } }
6.5.2 匿名子类
package chapter06 object Test10_AnnoymousClass { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val person: Person10 = new Person10 { override var name: String = "alice" override def eat(): Unit = println("person eat") } println(person.name) person.eat() } } // 定义抽象类 abstract class Person10 { var name: String def eat(): Unit }
6.6 单例对象(伴生对象)
6.6.1 单例对象
package chapter06 object Test11_Object { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // val student = new Student11("alice", 18) // student.printInfo() val student1 = Student11.newStudent("alice", 18) student1.printInfo() val student2 = Student11.apply("bob", 19) student2.printInfo() val student3 = Student11("bob", 19) student3.printInfo() } } // 定义类 class Student11 private(val name: String, val age: Int){ def printInfo(){ println(s"student: name = ${name}, age = $age, school = ${Student11.school}") } } // 伴生对象 object Student11{ val school: String = "atguigu" // 定义一个类的对象实例的创建方法 def newStudent(name: String, age: Int): Student11 = new Student11(name, age) def apply(name: String, age: Int): Student11 = new Student11(name, age) }
6.2.2 单例设计模式
package chapter06 object Test12_Singleton { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student1 = Student12.getInstance() student1.printInfo() val student2 = Student12.getInstance() student2.printInfo() println(student1) println(student2) } } class Student12 private(val name: String, val age: Int){ def printInfo(){ println(s"student: name = ${name}, age = $age, school = ${Student11.school}") } } // 饿汉式 //object Student12 { // private val student: Student12 = new Student12("alice", 18) // def getInstance(): Student12 = student //} // 懒汉式 object Student12 { private var student: Student12 = _ def getInstance(): Student12 = { if (student == null){ // 如果没有对象实例的话,就创建一个 student = new Student12("alice", 18) } student } }
6.2.3 特质#Test13
package chapter06 object Test13_Trait { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student: Student13 = new Student13 student.sayHello() student.study() student.dating() student.play() } } // 定义一个父类 class Person13 { val name: String = "person" var age: Int = 18 def sayHello(): Unit = { println("hello from: " + name) } def increase(): Unit = { println("person increase") } } // 定义一个特质 trait Young { // 声明抽象和非抽象属性 var age: Int val name: String = "young" // 声明抽象和非抽象的方法 def play(): Unit = { println(s"young people $name is playing") } def dating(): Unit } class Student13 extends Person13 with Young { // 重写冲突的属性 override val name: String = "student" // 实现抽象方法 def dating(): Unit = println(s"student $name is dating") def study(): Unit = println(s"student $name is studying") // 重写父类方法 override def sayHello(): Unit = { super.sayHello() println(s"hello from: student $name") } }
6.2.4 特质的混入#Test14
package chapter06 object Test14_TraitMixin { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student = new Student14 student.study() student.increase() student.play() student.increase() student.dating() student.increase() println("===========================") // 动态混入 val studentWithTalent = new Student14 with Talent { override def dancing(): Unit = println("student is good at dancing") override def singing(): Unit = println("student is good at singing") } studentWithTalent.sayHello() studentWithTalent.play() studentWithTalent.study() studentWithTalent.dating() studentWithTalent.dancing() studentWithTalent.singing() } } // 再定义一个特质 trait Knowledge { var amount: Int = 0 def increase(): Unit } trait Talent { def singing(): Unit def dancing(): Unit } class Student14 extends Person13 with Young with Knowledge { // 重写冲突的属性 override val name: String = "student" // 实现抽象方法 def dating(): Unit = println(s"student $name is dating") def study(): Unit = println(s"student $name is studying") // 重写父类方法 override def sayHello(): Unit = { super.sayHello() println(s"hello from: student $name") } // 实现特质中的抽象方法 override def increase(): Unit = { amount += 1 println(s"student $name knowledge increased: $amount") } }
6.2.5 #Test15
package chapter06 object Test15_TraitOverlying { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student = new Student15 student.increase() //钻石问题特征叠加 val myFootBall = new MyFootBall println(myFootBall.describe()) } } trait Knowledge15{ var amount: Int = 0 def increase():Unit ={ println("knowledge increased") } } //定义球类特征 trait Ball{ def describe():String = "ball" } trait ColorBall extends Ball{ var color : String = "red" } trait CategoryBall extends Ball{ var category : String = "foot" override def describe(): String = category+"-"+super.describe() } // 定义一个自定义球的类 class MyFootBall extends CategoryBall with ColorBall{ override def describe(): String = "my ball is a "+super[CategoryBall].describe() } trait Talent15{ def singing():Unit def dancing():Unit def increase(): Unit = { println("talent increased") } } class Student15 extends Person13 with Talent15 with Knowledge15{ override def dancing(): Unit = println("dancing") override def singing(): Unit = println("singing") override def increase(): Unit = { super[Person13].increase() } }
6.2.6 #Test16
package chapter06 object Test16_TraitSelfType { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val user = new RegisterUser("alice", "123456") user.insert() } } // 用户类 class User(val name: String, val password: String) trait UserDao { _: User => // 向数据库插入数据 def insert(): Unit = { println(s"insert into db: ${this.name}") } } // 定义注册用户类 class RegisterUser(name: String, password: String) extends User(name, password) with UserDao
6.2.7 #Test17_Textends
package chapter06 object Test17_Extends { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 类型的检测和转换 val student: Student17 = new Student17("alice", 18) student.study() student.sayHi() val person: Person17 = new Student17("bob", 20) person.sayHi() // 类型判断 println("student is Student17: " + student.isInstanceOf[Student17]) println("student is Person17: " + student.isInstanceOf[Person17]) println("person is Person17: " + person.isInstanceOf[Person17]) println("person is Student: " + person.isInstanceOf[Student17]) val person2: Person17 = new Person17("cary", 35) println("person2 is Student17: " + person2.isInstanceOf[Student17]) // 类型转换 if (person.isInstanceOf[Student17]){ val newStudent = person.asInstanceOf[Student17] newStudent.study() } println(classOf[Student17]) // 2. 测试枚举类 println(WorkDay.MONDAY) } } class Person17(val name: String, val age: Int){ def sayHi(): Unit = { println("hi from person " + name) } } class Student17(name: String, age: Int) extends Person17(name, age){ override def sayHi(): Unit = { println("hi from student " + name) } def study(): Unit = { println("student study") } } // 定义枚举类对象 object WorkDay extends Enumeration { val MONDAY = Value(1, "Monday") val TUESDAY = Value(2, "TuesDay") } // 定义应用类对象 object TestApp extends App { println("app start") type MyString = String val a: MyString = "abc" println(a) }
第 7 章 集合
7.1 集合1 数组Array
package chapter07 object Test01_ImmutableArray { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建数组 val arr: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](5) // 另一种创建方式 val arr2 = Array(12, 37, 42, 58, 97) println(arr) // 2. 访问元素 println(arr(0)) println(arr(1)) println(arr(4)) // println(arr(5)) arr(0) = 12 arr(4) = 57 println(arr(0)) println(arr(1)) println(arr(4)) println("========================") // 3. 数组的遍历 // 1) 普通for循环 for (i <- 0 until arr.length){ println(arr(i)) } for (i <- arr.indices) println(arr(i)) println("---------------------") // 2) 直接遍历所有元素,增强for循环 for (elem <- arr2) println(elem) println("---------------------") // 3) 迭代器 val iter = arr2.iterator while (iter.hasNext) println(iter.next()) println("---------------------") // 4) 调用foreach方法 arr2.foreach( (elem: Int) => println(elem) ) arr.foreach( println ) println(arr2.mkString("--")) println("========================") // 4. 添加元素 val newArr = arr2.:+(73) println(arr2.mkString("--")) println(newArr.mkString("--")) val newArr2 = newArr.+:(30) println(newArr2.mkString("--")) val newArr3 = newArr2 :+ 15 val newArr4 = 19 +: 29 +: newArr3 :+ 26 :+ 73 println(newArr4.mkString(", ")) } }
不可变数组用 +: 或 :+ 追加元素 可变数组用 arr1.append(6) 追加元素
7.2 集合2
package chapter07 import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer object Test02_ArrayBuffer { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建可变数组 val arr1: ArrayBuffer[Int] = new ArrayBuffer[Int]() val arr2 = ArrayBuffer(23, 57, 92) println(arr1) println(arr2) // 2. 访问元素 // println(arr1(0)) // error println(arr2(1)) arr2(1) = 39 println(arr2(1)) println("======================") // 3. 添加元素 val newArr1 = arr1 :+ 15 println(arr1) println(newArr1) println(arr1 == newArr1) val newArr2 = arr1 += 19 println(arr1) println(newArr2) println(arr1 == newArr2) newArr2 += 13 println(arr1) 77 +=: arr1 println(arr1) println(newArr2) arr1.append(36) arr1.prepend(11, 76) arr1.insert(1, 13, 59) println(arr1) arr1.insertAll(2, newArr1) arr1.prependAll(newArr2) println(arr1) // 4. 删除元素 arr1.remove(3) println(arr1) arr1.remove(0, 10) println(arr1) arr1 -= 13 println(arr1) // 5. 可变数组转换为不可变数组 val arr: ArrayBuffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(23, 56, 98) val newArr: Array[Int] = arr.toArray println(newArr.mkString(", ")) println(arr) // 6. 不可变数组转换为可变数组 val buffer: mutable.Buffer[Int] = newArr.toBuffer println(buffer) println(newArr) } }
arr.toArray 变成不可变数组 newArr.toBuffer 变成可变数组
7.3 集合3
package chapter07 object Test03_MulArray { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建二维数组 val array: Array[Array[Int]] = Array.ofDim[Int](2, 3) // 2. 访问元素 array(0)(2) = 19 array(1)(0) = 25 println(array.mkString(", ")) for (i <- 0 until array.length; j <- 0 until array(i).length){ println(array(i)(j)) } for (i <- array.indices; j <- array(i).indices){ print(array(i)(j) + "\t") if (j == array(i).length - 1) println() } array.foreach(line => line.foreach(println)) array.foreach(_.foreach(println)) } }
7.4 集合4 列表List
package chapter07 object Test04_List { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建一个List val list1 = List(23, 65, 87) println(list1) // 2. 访问和遍历元素 println(list1(1)) // list1(1) = 12 list1.foreach(println) // 3. 添加元素 val list2 = 10 +: list1 val list3 = list1 :+ 23 println(list1) println(list2) println(list3) println("==================") val list4 = list2.::(51) println(list4) val list5 = Nil.::(13) println(list5) val list6 = 73 :: 32 :: Nil val list7 = 17 :: 28 :: 59 :: 16 :: Nil println(list7) // 4. 合并列表 val list8 = list6 :: list7 println(list8) val list9 = list6 ::: list7 println(list9) val list10 = list6 ++ list7 println(list10) } }
7.5 集合5
package chapter07 import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer object Test05_ListBuffer { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建可变列表 val list1: ListBuffer[Int] = new ListBuffer[Int]() val list2 = ListBuffer(12, 53, 75) println(list1) println(list2) println("==============") // 2. 添加元素 list1.append(15, 62) list2.prepend(20) list1.insert(1, 19, 22) println(list1) println(list2) println("==============") 31 +=: 96 +=: list1 += 25 += 11 println(list1) println("==============") // 3. 合并list val list3 = list1 ++ list2 println(list1) println(list2) println("==============") list1 ++=: list2 println(list1) println(list2) println("==============") // 4. 修改元素 list2(3) = 30 list2.update(0, 89) println(list2) // 5. 删除元素 list2.remove(2) list2 -= 25 println(list2) } }
7.6 集合6 数集Set
package chapter07 object Test06_ImmutableSet { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建set val set1 = Set(13, 23, 53, 12, 13, 23, 78) println(set1) println("==================") // 2. 添加元素 val set2 = set1 + 129 println(set1) println(set2) println("==================") // 3. 合并set val set3 = Set(19, 13, 23, 53, 67, 99) val set4 = set2 ++ set3 println(set2) println(set3) println(set4) // 4. 删除元素 val set5 = set3 - 13 println(set3) println(set5) } }
7.7 集合7
package chapter07 import scala.collection.mutable object Test07_MutableSet { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建set val set1: mutable.Set[Int] = mutable.Set(13, 23, 53, 12, 13, 23, 78) println(set1) println("==================") // 2. 添加元素 val set2 = set1 + 11 println(set1) println(set2) set1 += 11 println(set1) val flag1 = set1.add(10) println(flag1) println(set1) val flag2 = set1.add(10) println(flag2) println(set1) println("==================") // 3. 删除元素 set1 -= 11 println(set1) val flag3 = set1.remove(10) println(flag3) println(set1) val flag4 = set1.remove(10) println(flag4) println(set1) println("==================") // 4. 合并两个Set // val set3 = val set3 = Set(13, 12, 13, 27, 98) println(set1) println(set3) println("==================") set1 ++ set3 val set4 = set1 ++ set3 println(set1) println(set3) println(set4) println("==================") println(set1) println(set3) set1 ++= set3 println(set1) } }
7.8 集合8 映射(散列表)Map
package chapter07 object Test08_ImmutableMap { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建map val map1: Map[String, Int] = Map("a" -> 13, "b" -> 25, "hello" -> 3) println(map1) println(map1.getClass) println("==========================") // 2. 遍历元素 map1.foreach(println) map1.foreach( (kv: (String, Int)) => println(kv) ) println("============================") // 3. 取map中所有的key 或者 value for (key <- map1.keys){ println(s"$key ---> ${map1.get(key)}") } // 4. 访问某一个key的value println("a: " + map1.get("a").get) println("c: " + map1.get("c")) println("c: " + map1.getOrElse("c", 0)) println(map1("a")) } }
7.9 集合9
package chapter07 import scala.collection.mutable object Test09_MutableMap { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建map val map1: mutable.Map[String, Int] = mutable.Map("a" -> 13, "b" -> 25, "hello" -> 3) println(map1) println(map1.getClass) println("==========================") // 2. 添加元素 map1.put("c", 5) map1.put("d", 9) println(map1) map1 += (("e", 7)) println(map1) println("====================") // 3. 删除元素 println(map1("c")) map1.remove("c") println(map1.getOrElse("c", 0)) map1 -= "d" println(map1) println("====================") // 4. 修改元素 map1.update("c", 5) map1.update("e", 10) println(map1) println("====================") // 5. 合并两个Map val map2: Map[String, Int] = Map("aaa" -> 11, "b" -> 29, "hello" -> 5) // map1 ++= map2 println(map1) println(map2) println("---------------------------") val map3: Map[String, Int] = map2 ++ map1 println(map1) println(map2) println(map3) } }
7.10 集合10 元祖tuple
package chapter07 object Test10_Tuple { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 创建元组 val tuple: (String, Int, Char, Boolean) = ("hello", 100, 'a', true) println(tuple) // 2. 访问数据 println(tuple._1) println(tuple._2) println(tuple._3) println(tuple._4) println(tuple.productElement(1)) println("====================") // 3. 遍历元组数据 for (elem <- tuple.productIterator) println(elem) // 4. 嵌套元组 val mulTuple = (12, 0.3, "hello", (23, "scala"), 29) println(mulTuple._4._2) } }
7.11 集合11 集合的常用函数
package chapter07 object Test11_CommonOp { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val list = List(1,3,5,7,2,89) val set = Set(23,34,423,75) // (1)获取集合长度 println(list.length) // (2)获取集合大小 println(set.size) // (3)循环遍历 for (elem <- list) println(elem) set.foreach(println) // (4)迭代器 for (elem <- list.iterator) println(elem) println("====================") // (5)生成字符串 println(list) println(set) println(list.mkString("--")) // (6)是否包含 println(list.contains(23)) println(set.contains(23)) } }
这个比较实用一点 !!!
7.12 集合12 衍生集合
package chapter07 object Test12_DerivedCollection { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val list1 = List(1,3,5,7,2,89) val list2 = List(3,7,2,45,4,8,19) // (1)获取集合的头 println(list1.head) // (2)获取集合的尾(不是头的就是尾) println(list1.tail) // (3)集合最后一个数据 println(list2.last) // (4)集合初始数据(不包含最后一个) println(list2.init) // (5)反转 println(list1.reverse) // (6)取前(后)n个元素 println(list1.take(3)) println(list1.takeRight(4)) // (7)去掉前(后)n个元素 println(list1.drop(3)) println(list1.dropRight(4)) println("=========================") // (8)并集 val union = list1.union(list2) println("union: " + union) println(list1 ::: list2) // 如果是set做并集,会去重 val set1 = Set(1,3,5,7,2,89) val set2 = Set(3,7,2,45,4,8,19) val union2 = set1.union(set2) println("union2: " + union2) println(set1 ++ set2) println("-----------------------") // (9)交集 val intersection = list1.intersect(list2) println("intersection: " + intersection) println("-----------------------") // (10)差集 val diff1 = list1.diff(list2) val diff2 = list2.diff(list1) println("diff1: " + diff1) println("diff2: " + diff2) println("-----------------------") // (11)拉链 println("zip: " + list1.zip(list2)) println("zip: " + list2.zip(list1)) println("-----------------------") // (12)滑窗 for (elem <- list1.sliding(3)) println(elem) println("-----------------------") for (elem <- list2.sliding(4, 2)) println(elem) println("-----------------------") for (elem <- list2.sliding(3, 3)) println(elem) } }
7.13 集合13 集合计算简单函数(sum求和...)
package chapter07 object Test13_SimpleFunction { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val list = List(5,1,8,2,-3,4) val list2 = List(("a", 5), ("b", 1), ("c", 8), ("d", 2), ("e", -3), ("f", 4)) // (1)求和 var sum = 0 for (elem <- list){ sum += elem } println(sum) println(list.sum) // (2)求乘积 println(list.product) // (3)最大值 println(list.max) println(list2.maxBy( (tuple: (String, Int)) => tuple._2 )) println(list2.maxBy( _._2 )) // (4)最小值 println(list.min) println(list2.minBy(_._2)) println("========================") // (5)排序 // 5.1 sorted val sortedList = list.sorted println(sortedList) // 从大到小逆序排序 println(list.sorted.reverse) // 传入隐式参数 println(list.sorted(Ordering[Int].reverse)) println(list2.sorted) // 5.2 sortBy println(list2.sortBy(_._2)) println(list2.sortBy(_._2)(Ordering[Int].reverse)) // 5.3 sortWith println(list.sortWith( (a: Int, b: Int) => {a < b} )) println(list.sortWith( _ < _ )) println(list.sortWith( _ > _)) } }
7.14 集合14 集合计算高级函数(过滤...)
package chapter07 object Test14_HighLevelFunction_Map { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val list = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) // 1. 过滤 // 选取偶数 val evenList = list.filter( (elem: Int) => {elem % 2 == 0} ) println(evenList) // 选取奇数 println(list.filter( _ % 2 == 1 )) println("=======================") // 2. 映射map // 把集合中每个数乘2 println(list.map(_ * 2)) println(list.map( x => x * x)) println("=======================") // 3. 扁平化 val nestedList: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1,2,3),List(4,5),List(6,7,8,9)) val flatList = nestedList(0) ::: nestedList(1) ::: nestedList(2) println(flatList) val flatList2 = nestedList.flatten println(flatList2) println("=======================") // 4. 扁平映射 // 将一组字符串进行分词,并保存成单词的列表 val strings: List[String] = List("hello world", "hello scala", "hello java", "we study") val splitList: List[Array[String]] = strings.map( _.split(" ") ) // 分词 val flattenList = splitList.flatten // 打散扁平化 println(flattenList) val flatmapList = strings.flatMap(_.split(" ")) println(flatmapList) println("========================") // 5. 分组groupBy // 分成奇偶两组 val groupMap: Map[Int, List[Int]] = list.groupBy( _ % 2) val groupMap2: Map[String, List[Int]] = list.groupBy( data => if (data % 2 == 0) "偶数" else "奇数") println(groupMap) println(groupMap2) // 给定一组词汇,按照单词的首字母进行分组 val wordList = List("china", "america", "alice", "canada", "cary", "bob", "japan") println( wordList.groupBy( _.charAt(0) ) ) } }
7.15 集合15 redeuc归约,fold折叠
package chapter07 object Test15_HighLevelFunction_Reduce { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val list = List(1,2,3,4) // 1. reduce println(list.reduce( _ + _ )) println(list.reduceLeft(_ + _)) println(list.reduceRight(_ + _)) println("===========================") val list2 = List(3,4,5,8,10) println(list2.reduce(_ - _)) // -24 println(list2.reduceLeft(_ - _)) println(list2.reduceRight(_ - _)) // 3 - (4 - (5 - (8 - 10))), 6 println("===========================") // 2. fold println(list.fold(10)(_ + _)) // 10 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 println(list.foldLeft(10)(_ - _)) // 10 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 println(list2.foldRight(11)(_ - _)) // 3 - (4 - (5 - (8 - (10 - 11)))), -5 } }
7.16 集合16 合并列表(如果有相同的key就把value值相加)
package chapter07 import scala.collection.mutable object Test16_MergeMap { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val map1 = Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 3, "c" -> 6) val map2 = mutable.Map("a" -> 6, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 9, "d" -> 3) // println(map1 ++ map2) val map3 = map1.foldLeft(map2)( (mergedMap, kv) => { val key = kv._1 val value = kv._2 mergedMap(key) = mergedMap.getOrElse(key, 0) + value mergedMap } ) println(map3) } }
7.17 集合17
package chapter07 object Test17_CommonWordCount { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val stringList: List[String] = List( "hello", "hello world", "hello scala", "hello spark from scala", "hello flink from scala" ) // 1. 对字符串进行切分,得到一个打散所有单词的列表 // val wordList1: List[Array[String]] = stringList.map(_.split(" ")) // val wordList2: List[String] = wordList1.flatten // println(wordList2) val wordList = stringList.flatMap(_.split(" ")) println(wordList) // 2. 相同的单词进行分组 val groupMap: Map[String, List[String]] = wordList.groupBy(word => word) println(groupMap) // 3. 对分组之后的list取长度,得到每个单词的个数 val countMap: Map[String, Int] = groupMap.map(kv => (kv._1, kv._2.length)) // 4. 将map转换为list,并排序取前3 val sortList: List[(String, Int)] = countMap.toList .sortWith( _._2 > _._2 ) .take(3) println(sortList) } }
7.18 集合18
package chapter07 object Test18_ComplexWordCount { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val tupleList: List[(String, Int)] = List( ("hello", 1), ("hello world", 2), ("hello scala", 3), ("hello spark from scala", 1), ("hello flink from scala", 2) ) // 思路一:直接展开为普通版本 val newStringList: List[String] = tupleList.map( kv => { (kv._1.trim + " ") * kv._2 } ) println(newStringList) // 接下来操作与普通版本完全一致 val wordCountList: List[(String, Int)] = newStringList .flatMap(_.split(" ")) // 空格分词 .groupBy( word => word ) // 按照单词分组 .map( kv => (kv._1, kv._2.size) ) // 统计出每个单词的个数 .toList .sortBy(_._2)(Ordering[Int].reverse) .take(3) println(wordCountList) println("================================") // 思路二:直接基于预统计的结果进行转换 // 1. 将字符串打散为单词,并结合对应的个数包装成二元组 val preCountList: List[(String, Int)] = tupleList.flatMap( tuple => { val strings: Array[String] = tuple._1.split(" ") strings.map( word => (word, tuple._2) ) } ) println(preCountList) // 2. 对二元组按照单词进行分组 val preCountMap: Map[String, List[(String, Int)]] = preCountList.groupBy( _._1 ) println(preCountMap) // 3. 叠加每个单词预统计的个数值 val countMap: Map[String, Int] = preCountMap.mapValues( tupleList => tupleList.map(_._2).sum ).toMap println(countMap) // 4. 转换成list,排序取前3 val countList = countMap.toList .sortWith(_._2 > _._2) .take(3) println(countList) } }
7.19 集合19
package chapter07 import scala.collection.immutable.Queue import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.parallel.immutable object Test19_Queue { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 创建一个可变队列 val queue: mutable.Queue[String] = new mutable.Queue[String]() queue.enqueue("a", "b", "c") println(queue) println(queue.dequeue()) println(queue) println(queue.dequeue()) println(queue) queue.enqueue("d", "e") println(queue) println(queue.dequeue()) println(queue) println("==========================") // 不可变队列 val queue2: Queue[String] = Queue("a", "b", "c") val queue3 = queue2.enqueue("d") println(queue2) println(queue3) } }
7.20 集合20
package chapter07 import scala.collection.immutable import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParSeq object Test20_Parallel { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val result: immutable.IndexedSeq[Long] = (1 to 100).map( x => Thread.currentThread.getId ) println(result) val result2: ParSeq[Long] = (1 to 100).par.map( x => Thread.currentThread.getId ) println(result2) } }
第 8 章 模式匹配
8.1 模式匹配1
package chapter08 object Test01_PatternMatchBase { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 基本定义语法 val x: Int = 5 val y: String = x match { case 1 => "one" case 2 => "two" case 3 => "three" case _ => "other" } println(y) // 2. 示例:用模式匹配实现简单二元运算 val a = 25 val b = 13 def matchDualOp(op: Char): Int = op match { case '+' => a + b case '-' => a - b case '*' => a * b case '/' => a / b case '%' => a % b case _ => -1 } println(matchDualOp('+')) println(matchDualOp('/')) println(matchDualOp('\\')) println("=========================") // 3. 模式守卫 // 求一个整数的绝对值 def abs(num: Int): Int = { num match { case i if i >= 0 => i case i if i < 0 => -i } } println(abs(67)) println(abs(0)) println(abs(-24)) } }
8.2 模式匹配2
package chapter08 object Test02_MatchTypes { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 匹配常量 def describeConst(x: Any): String = x match { case 1 => "Int one" case "hello" => "String hello" case true => "Boolean true" case '+' => "Char +" case _ => "" } println(describeConst("hello")) println(describeConst('+')) println(describeConst(0.3)) println("==================================") // 2. 匹配类型 def describeType(x: Any): String = x match { case i: Int => "Int " + i case s: String => "String " + s case list: List[String] => "List " + list case array: Array[Int] => "Array[Int] " + array.mkString(",") case a => "Something else: " + a } println(describeType(35)) println(describeType("hello")) println(describeType(List("hi", "hello"))) println(describeType(List(2, 23))) println(describeType(Array("hi", "hello"))) println(describeType(Array(2, 23))) // 3. 匹配数组 for (arr <- List( Array(0), Array(1, 0), Array(0, 1, 0), Array(1, 1, 0), Array(2, 3, 7, 15), Array("hello", 1, 30), )) { val result = arr match { case Array(0) => "0" case Array(1, 0) => "Array(1, 0)" case Array(x, y) => "Array: " + x + ", " + y // 匹配两元素数组 case Array(0, _*) => "以0开头的数组" case Array(x, 1, z) => "中间为1的三元素数组" case _ => "something else" } println(result) } println("=========================") // 4. 匹配列表 // 方式一 for (list <- List( List(0), List(1, 0), List(0, 0, 0), List(1, 1, 0), List(88), List("hello") )) { val result = list match { case List(0) => "0" case List(x, y) => "List(x, y): " + x + ", " + y case List(0, _*) => "List(0, ...)" case List(a) => "List(a): " + a case _ => "something else" } println(result) } // 方式二 val list1 = List(1, 2, 5, 7, 24) val list = List(24) list match { case first :: second :: rest => println(s"first: $first, second: $second, rest: $rest") case _ => println("something else") } println("===========================") // 5. 匹配元组 for (tuple <- List( (0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 23, 56), ("hello", true, 0.5) )){ val result = tuple match { case (a, b) => "" + a + ", " + b case (0, _) => "(0, _)" case (a, 1, _) => "(a, 1, _) " + a case (x, y, z) => "(x, y, z) " + x + " " + y + " " + z case _ => "something else" } println(result) } } }
8.3 模式匹配3
package chapter08 object Test03_MatchTupleExtend { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 在变量声明时匹配 val (x, y) = (10, "hello") println(s"x: $x, y: $y") val List(first, second, _*) = List(23, 15, 9, 78) println(s"first: $first, second: $second") val fir :: sec :: rest = List(23, 15 , 9, 78) println(s"first: $fir, second: $sec, rest: $rest") println("=====================") // 2. for推导式中进行模式匹配 val list: List[(String, Int)] = List(("a", 12), ("b", 35), ("c", 27), ("a", 13)) // 2.1 原本的遍历方式 for (elem <- list){ println(elem._1 + " " + elem._2) } // 2.2 将List的元素直接定义为元组,对变量赋值 for ((word, count) <- list ){ println(word + ": " + count) } println("-----------------------") // 2.3 可以不考虑某个位置的变量,只遍历key或者value for ((word, _) <- list) println(word) println("-----------------------") // 2.4 可以指定某个位置的值必须是多少 for (("a", count) <- list){ println(count) } } }
8.4 模式匹配4
package chapter08 object Test04_MatchObject { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student = new Student("alice", 19) // 针对对象实例的内容进行匹配 val result = student match { case Student("alice", 18) => "Alice, 18" case _ => "Else" } println(result) } } // 定义类 class Student(val name: String, val age: Int) // 定义伴生对象 object Student { def apply(name: String, age: Int): Student = new Student(name, age) // 必须实现一个unapply方法,用来对对象属性进行拆解 def unapply(student: Student): Option[(String, Int)] = { if (student == null){ None } else { Some((student.name, student.age)) } } }
8.5 模式匹配5
package chapter08 object Test05_MatchCaseClass { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val student = Student1("alice", 18) // 针对对象实例的内容进行匹配 val result = student match { case Student1("alice", 18) => "Alice, 18" case _ => "Else" } println(result) } } // 定义样例类 case class Student1(name: String, age: Int)
8.6 模式匹配6
package chapter08 object Test06_PartialFunction { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val list: List[(String, Int)] = List(("a", 12), ("b", 35), ("c", 27), ("a", 13)) // 1. map转换,实现key不变,value2倍 val newList = list.map( tuple => (tuple._1, tuple._2 * 2) ) // 2. 用模式匹配对元组元素赋值,实现功能 val newList2 = list.map( tuple => { tuple match { case (word, count) => (word, count * 2) } } ) // 3. 省略lambda表达式的写法,进行简化 val newList3 = list.map { case (word, count) => (word, count * 2) } println(newList) println(newList2) println(newList3) // 偏函数的应用,求绝对值 // 对输入数据分为不同的情形:正、负、0 val positiveAbs: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case x if x > 0 => x } val negativeAbs: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case x if x < 0 => -x } val zeroAbs: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case 0 => 0 } def abs(x: Int): Int = (positiveAbs orElse negativeAbs orElse zeroAbs) (x) println(abs(-67)) println(abs(35)) println(abs(0)) } }
第 9 章 异常与泛型
9.1 异常
package chapter09plus object Test01_Exception { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { try{ val n = 10 / 0 } catch { case e: ArithmeticException => { println("发生算术异常") } case e: Exception => { println("发生一般异常") } } finally { println("处理结束") } } }
9.2 泛型 1
package chapter09plus object Test02_Implicit { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val new12 = new MyRichInt(12) println(new12.myMax(15)) // 1. 隐式函数 implicit def convert(num: Int): MyRichInt = new MyRichInt(num) println(12.myMax(15)) println("============================") // 2. 隐式类 implicit class MyRichInt2(val self: Int) { // 自定义比较大小的方法 def myMax2(n: Int): Int = if ( n < self ) self else n def myMin2(n: Int): Int = if ( n < self ) n else self } println(12.myMin2(15)) println("============================") // 3. 隐式参数 implicit val str: String = "alice" // implicit val str2: String = "alice2" implicit val num: Int = 18 def sayHello()(implicit name: String): Unit = { println("hello, " + name) } def sayHi(implicit name: String = "atguigu"): Unit = { println("hi, " + name) } sayHello sayHi // 简便写法 def hiAge(): Unit = { println("hi, " + implicitly[Int]) } hiAge() } } // 自定义类 class MyRichInt(val self: Int) { // 自定义比较大小的方法 def myMax(n: Int): Int = if ( n < self ) self else n def myMin(n: Int): Int = if ( n < self ) n else self }
9.3 泛型 2
package chapter09plus object Test03_Generics { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 1. 协变和逆变 val child: Parent = new Child // val childList: MyCollection[Parent] = new MyCollection[Child] val childList: MyCollection[SubChild] = new MyCollection[Child] // 2. 上下限 def test[A <: Child](a: A): Unit = { println(a.getClass.getName) } test[SubChild](new SubChild) } } // 定义继承关系 class Parent {} class Child extends Parent {} class SubChild extends Child {} // 定义带泛型的集合类型 class MyCollection[-E] {}
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